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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. Who is the player that rallies them, tells them to CTFD, tells them they're going to go out there and control the clock/get a turnover? On defense I think it might actually be Donte Jackson, as bizarre as that might be. Chinn will probably grow into that role. And of course we have Gilmore coming in who's had tons of success and been in shitty positions. But on offense? When they just needed 1 drive to ice that game, who was the person in the huddle that knew what was going on? I don't think that player exists on offense right now. It's the problem with being so young. i think it's one of the reasons that when things have started going pear shape the last two weeks they just don't stop. Obviously there's some talent deficits on the offensive line, the playcalling is mind numbing, etc. But they're just too damn young. in the offseason, on top of fixing the offensive line with all means at their disposal, this team really needs like a 32 year old blocking tight end that can just stumble out for a reliable six yards every time.
  2. im very down on this team until proven otherwise eagles was a very bad loss
  3. What makes you think the NFL would have stepped in when they haven't yet?
  4. after the season, maybe right now? absolutely not and not watson. the panthers could have made that move already and chose not to
  5. he's double teamed every play and chinn was all over the field today what are you talking about
  6. More good than bad today. Overall terrible oline performance, but he was promising. one less spot to fill next season
  7. best thing that coul dhappen today, from a personnel standpoint, is Brady becoming a ten year starter today
  8. if gilmore just wanted a big new contract why would he have agreed to this trade and to play out the remainder of his deal? Obviously we can't ask him exactly what he's thinking but a whole lot of signs are pointing to money not being his biggest motivator.
  9. guys jackson is probably gone after this year, if they plan on keeping gilmore.
  10. he literally must ahve just said "send me to carolina" or bill is pissed at brady and this is his final fug you
  11. so i reported this much earlier this morning @Zod @Verge Do a joke and everyone retweet this and make people know I'm an insider
  12. would be pretty funny if Bill leaked this so scare an NFC team in to trading for him to keep him from Tampa Bay
  13. LG didn't have anyone to block because the NT was lined up over the R shoulder of the center, and one player showing blitz dropped off. Yeah I don't know what the RG is doing there but LG was fine.
  14. im somehow always in my girlfriend's way around the house so i imagine im a natural
  15. you guys are shitting on some 31 year old? im 35 and i can still get out of bed and mostly dress myself he'll be fine
  16. they'll just pay him under the table like the pats did with brady for years
  17. what do draft picks have to do with FA signings the cap is a myth if your owner has enough money and /checks notes tepper is fine
  18. he's already won superbowls might just wanna get paid, since he's basically staring at his last big contract
  19. The patriots base defense is whatever is needed to maximize their players' natural abilities and chances of winning gilmore specifically is a man corner
  20. main thing is he probably wants his last big contract, and he has a quad injury Sure the cap is a problem that can be dealt with, but the Panthers have a ton of players coming up that need to be extended. Plus, he wouldn't be able to contribute for a few weeks due to injury. But holy fuging poo just imagine if Henderson pans out and next season the Panthers trot out him, Horn, and Gilmore.
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