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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. assuming Gilmore resigns, you trade that contract.
  2. Well Horn is hurt, and in his brief action he certainly looked like the real deal.
  3. The darnold trade has nothing to do with it. The two moves exist independent of one another. I can see trading a productive offensive asset now (arnold) for more defense (now, then later obviously as above), but that was again dealing from a position of strength to patch up a need. At the time the Panthers had a lot of toys on offense, and felt they could absorb that trade with other players on the roster. Arnold being here or not is irrelevant by now. Arnold is strictly pass catching, and with the way the season has developed they have to have someone on the line who can block. Or at least can block theoretically. I'm surprised with Ian Thomas lines up on the correct side of the line of scrimmage.
  4. At the time, it was not known that Gilmore was going to fall into their laps. The secondary is playing so well, both as a unit and individually, that there just isn't anywhere for him. He was a player they had ranked very highly. He was obviously in a shitty situation in Jacksonville. Depending on how he develops in practice, you have options moving forward with the contracts of Jackson, Gilmore, and Bouye. This is all for a third. If you truly had him ranked as a first, this is a brilliant move. It will take time to fully judge this trade, and it'll be dependent on how he pans out. The panthers lose nothing now for giving up a 2022 third. If he turns into a legitimate starter, this looks like a steal. These are the kinds of forward thinking moves you should cheer on.
  5. just on the merits he's the closest thing to a capable qb we can add at this moment then you add in all the other stuff...
  6. this is obviously not going to work, but, what if.....it does
  7. i mean this better be with the understanding he gets a fuging gold statue in front of every gate and they rename the field after him
  8. yeah this is going to be sad. I understand what they're doing, and i understand it might even be the best option, but I don't want it.
  9. i do not want to watch cam die behind this line.
  10. he's not locked in. They can cut him whenever. Again, the cap isn't real. What offensive lineman would you have liked them to sign? There weren't any real options. If we're going to bitch about not extending DJ, sure, but i think the Anderson extension is far more culpable than the Sam contract. At least DJ might be cheaper after this season. And no, we would not have been negotiating a contract with him regardless. If Sam had just come in and played league average then his 5th year would have looked like a steal, and I still think he could have if the offensive line hadn't fallen apart. Not that it matters now, since everyone has gone pear shaped. Again, Sam was at least the third option for this team, behind Watson and Stafford. You don't have a lot of choices at that point. With the gift of hindsight, realistic options would have been to keep Teddy (revolt), or trade for Minshew or sign Trubisky. None of those really inspire confidence either.
  11. why do people keep bitching about the fifth year option who cares the cap isn't real in the nfl and money is no issue for the owner. It's not like we're the raiders who couldn't physically pay for khalil mack i think at the time picking up the fifth year option was a way to boost his confidence which is its own different bag of poo, to be fair, but if you trade for him thinking you can turn him around you absolutely don't let him do it without another year in place.
  12. what? so he's going to....sell it at a loss and buy it back?
  13. Henderson was an opportunity they jumped on. he's a player they had rated highly in 2020, and saw they could get him for a third. I have no problems with them sitting him for a year and seeing if they can coach him up. Also, at the time they did not know that Gilmore was going to fall into their laps. Those are the kind of moves where the upside outweighs the potential negatives. Darnold is just done.
  14. I cannot say the same thing now. Earlier in the season, when things were still going good, DJ Moore had started to slide after his catches. I didn't mind because I don't see the point in general of fighting for 1-2 extra yards on long receptions, but he clearly saw something on film that he was protecting against. Steve Smith has straight up said that Sam is throwing hospital balls out there. Today is the second week in a row that Sam got a receiver murdered for no real reason. The pick six was uncatchable, but why would a receiver try knowing a.) the panthers aren't winning and b.) catching this will case an acute kidney injury. This is something that, frankly, I've never seen before with the Panthers.
  15. i honestly dont understand what he brings to any facet of the game
  16. i mean tepper could buy an MLS championship like Atlanta did
  17. the panthers have a billion DBs and at least one of them (jackson) is definitely not here next year gotta deal from a position of depth
  18. simmons got dog walked into the end zone last night
  19. they literally changed the rules to stop chip kelly from doing what he had been brought into the nfl to do
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