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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. Whatever small county or city legislators decided is irrelevant. At the end of the day, municipalities have no business subsidizing private sports facilities. This has been studied up and down and they never pay out. The jobs promised are negligible. The cash influx from the actual construction is fleeting. It's a moral sarlaac pit. Tepper is approaching mansu mansu levels of wealth. He can write a check if he wants this facility so bad. Anyone defending him are showing their true colors.
  2. usually the "lets just suck for a year, get the coach fired, get a high pick" attitude is unique to the message board communities among fandoms. Those are generally the most hardcore of fans that follow it year around and want to discuss them more than just water cooler chit chat or whatever. for the most part, people that follow a team don't keep up with the day to day, just want to have a good time at games, and hey if they win great! if they lose they'll find something else to do around midseason. but every single person I bring up the panthers with, from friends that are casual fans to patients I'm just shooting the poo with, want the panthers to tank and to get rid of rhule. It's amazing. everyone would be fine with 0-17 if it meant rhule was gone and we didn't blow a bunch of draft picks on nothing. Darnold broke this fanbase's mind.
  3. If it's CJ that will suck because it's another 3rd round pick into the Darnold fire and I'm not really sure the cap space is that beneficial. Also I'm still high on him. But I also appreciate them being able to call a spade a spade and just get rid of dead weight. Would mean we likely have one more FA signing.
  4. How many more spots need fixing? Can't draft coaches.
  5. Good lord imagine being DJ's agent and getting that first text from him after this.
  6. Someone on another board mentioned Penning has to go to the AFC North. Outside of it, he'll get constant personal fouls. As a member of the Ravens or Steelers, that'll just be Tough Hard Nosed Football and the refs will swallow their flags.
  7. Texans are an evangelical scam at this point and Willis loves him some jeebus, plus went to liberty if the texans ownership can get over their notorious racism then it seems like a match made in heaven
  8. oh college is way worse its basically accepted urban is going to sit up 1-2 years and take notre dame
  9. There were like 6 visible holds and blocks in the back on that return refs threw a flag and picked it up because we were getting worked lol
  10. glutamine will do nothing if it's a mechanical injury. studies only show it MIGHT be useful in systemic neuropathies, from like chemo or whatever cyclobenzaprine isn't typically addictive unless she really just loves feeling like she's asleep all the time
  11. depends on the injury but probably not why would glutamine help
  12. he had a degenerative cervical spine injury
  13. best o line on paper since probably 2013
  14. Guess we know who was offered in the Watson trade.
  15. 22 months pursuing a player, staying involved during a massive sex pest scandal, going out of their way to signal they’d do anything and trade anyone to acquire him, then him just blowing you off at the 11th hour for a team without wife receivers or a team that waved a wand to create cap space. Incredible. fuging incredible.
  16. I was in the stands for 7 of them. I missed the patriots game with minor surgery. step back son
  17. A new all time low for the panthers, if we’re being honest.
  18. How does Rhule not resign after all of this, especially if they don’t get Watson
  19. you leak in finance, especially from a position of strength (read money) to scare off other potential actors from getting involved and driving up/down a price or whatever. if it's really planned leaks from the panthers ownership/fo, then it's tepper acting like he did in previous roles of course this doesn't work at all when he can't buy his way out of a problem
  20. I officially do not want Watson on this team and I hate this trade and everything it could be. That said, I would be way more upset about losing Chinn than Burns. I don't think Burns is going to hold up in the NFL, he got run all over last season, he was constantly out of position. I think we've already seen his peak.
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