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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. if he wanted to. I imagine he'd take a year and a half off, go to the studio, and wait for the right situation. Gotta think he doesn't want to enter the job market the same year as Urban (might) be doing. Plus doing the studio year lets him work the phones and figure out where the next situation is. I don't think anyone actually wants to go to Nebraska.
  2. Petrino forfeited his contract, however it was generally accepted that A.) he wasn't going to see the rest of the Falcons contract after the Vick situation and B.) he actually got paid a lot more than both his Falcons contract and what the official numbers were in Arkansas. The big rumor was that Jerry Jones paid him under the table.
  3. Merchandise is (partly) shared revenue. Panthers specific merchandise doesn't go to Tepper, it goes to the league as a whole then is split. It's one of the reason a few years ago Jerry Jones called out Paul Brown at team meetings. Brown was bringing the whole league down with his stingy bullshit. Concessions are team specific, but honestly the margins on those are kind of trash and are more than offset by what he's bringing in from MLS/concerts etc. Plus I can't imagine the fans that actually do go to the games are drinking LESS. Panthers have PSLs. Those seats are already sold. It's why even in their 1-15 seasons, they technically sold out every game even though the stadiums were 30% full. And Tepper has shown he will fuging eat a loss just to prove a point. He took a bath on the South Carolina facility just because he didn't want to pay a little extra to the city. But he's at the point of wealth it doesn't matter. edit* sorry, merchandise is partially shared, but I can't look up the exact split right now
  4. i think on a neutral field, we could probably beat the Bears and the Falcons. I think the Colts are going to right the ship a little. i definitely think we'll be in contention for the first overall pick.
  5. remember the henderson trade came after Horn's injury, but before Girlmore, so they actually needed a body and Henderson was just a good opportunity. I really like buying low on high first rounders, especially from teams that are poorly run, and both henderson and Levault came from the jags for relatively low prices. That was one of the ways that Belichick was so successful for so long, and was able to overcome some (at times) poor drafting. But that only works if you have the coaching to bring out the best in them and the Panthers are clearly lacking that right now.
  6. honestly a lot of o line problems today were Baker refusing to step up into the pocket.
  7. also fwiw rhule did beat a top 25 team at temple happened to be ECU
  8. because people on this forum don't understand college football to put it into perspective, what rhule did at temple or baylor would get him a statue built in Chapel Hill.
  9. it's pretty funny how all the college coaching prognosticators are just assuming Rhule is going to be available.
  10. I thought it was a great, out of the box hire. Dude had been successful at two small programs, which is very difficult in the current college football landscape. And I liked the early ideas of bringing more college defense concepts to the nfl, since nfl offenses have been borrowing more and more college stuff. but holy poo it has not translated at all to the nfl.
  11. Looked like the giants began running a lot of misdirection and took advantage of the defense over pursuing. coincidentally, that is exactly how the giants beat Carolina last season with a different coaching staff.
  12. i hope before next week, just because i dont want saints fans to say they got our coach fired.
  13. I’m suspicious a lot of these Rhule guys are going to end up elsewhere and have productive, not necessarily spectacular, careers. you don’t need hall of famers: you just need guys that can produce. That’s what killed us during the hurney years. We’d have entire drafts after the first round of guys that would never earn a second contract. at least with hurney we got the all pro first rounder.
  14. I think the entire front seven needs a tear down tbh
  15. not Shelton. worst case with TMJ: his style does not translate to the nfl average case: good player, needs to be coached up, horrible situation from a coaching/depth chart perspective, shi smith better practice player best case: he’s a great receiver, our coaches are just mannequins shelton took literally one hit during his first padded practice, said “fug this” and never wanted to play again.
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