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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. Just a reminder, the whole Bucs secondary is out this could turn into a boat race
  2. Any player who’s an mcp candidate is by definition in their prime, so how many seasons before we can compare Bryce to other qbs who are good
  3. I watched this game and it was legit one of the worst things I’ve ever seen and I lived in India
  4. What do you mean “we” you learning French or something
  5. Oh god dammit I took panthers +8 fug me Vegas knew
  6. This was the best post about the bears from last night. From another forums “i'm so high that i've been kinda sitting here after the interception doing that weird laugh like you'd hear in a pink floyd song”
  7. It’s in the couch somewhere and I’m so high I gave up on that hours ago
  8. Yeah that’s all available data lmao like what the fug else is he supposed to look at
  9. Also the entire bucs back seven is dead bucs fans are terrified Bryce is going to blow up and throw for over 200 yards
  10. The last thing I want from this roster is to see more of it
  11. Bears offense is very different because it’s the bears. It’s where things go to die. Just ask moose. and yeah the total stats are low secondary to missing multiple games with a GSW. Theres no way XL looks good
  12. A bears wide receiver and a guys who starting qb is effectively out of the league. one of the WR doing comparable work, pearsall, missed multiple games after being shot Take the L dude
  13. If you really want to dream Pete Carroll wants to get back into coaching
  14. Rivera is also very aware of his surroundings and knows how to play office politics. There’s a reason he kept Shula around as long as he did. No head coach wants ron nipping at his heels qlthough in general I think this team would do better with rivera style football than Canales.
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