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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. this is a really good graph to pay attention to basically if you remove the places that actually had aggressive lockdown procedures, you don't have a large mass pulling the overall numbers down. rest of america is uh, not doing great. and again, this is with georgia, tx, and fl cooking the books.
  2. https://fightcovid19.hku.hk/hku-hamster-research-shows-masks-effective-in-preventing-covid-19-transmission/ the institute is legit this hasn't been peer reviewed yet, however. Though it kinda lines up with common fuging sense so
  3. i mean yeah that's a pretty horrific worldview you have there but go off i guess
  4. because they were unable to work during the lockdown due to the pandemic. you know, that thing that's sweeping the world. UI systems were used because that system was already in place. i don't know why i'm responding to you because you're basically cosplaying's sartre's quote about fascists.
  5. In georgia the governor literally declared the emergency over, while cases were rising (and he was cooking the books) so that employees could no longer claim unemployment benefits. and since the lockdown was lifted, if they didn't go in to work that meant they quit and couldn't apply for UI. This trick was repeated in Florida, Ohio, and Texas. So yes, they were forced. Whether or not you can think two moves ahead and understand this, well, the thread waits with bated breath
  6. maybe forcing people to work menial wage jobs to prevent foreclosure and ruin during a global pandemic is a massive problem, and breaking quarantine to go to great clips isn't anything to be lauded for.
  7. new study coming out of hong kong says masks decrease transmission by about 75%. hasn't been peer reviewed yet but they're publishing it in a journal so it's just a matter of time.
  8. Can't have a second wave if the first wave never ends.
  9. 9/10 when people die with preexisting conditions, the most recent thing is what tips the apple cart and goes on the death certificate. This isn't some grand conspiracy.
  10. That's a huge caveat that you're just blowing past since almost NONE of the appropriate actions have been taking to start opening up. Not in Wisconsin, Georgia, or Texas. This has just been republican governors and judges saying "yeah fug it who cares." you seem to think "do x if y" means "do x....a little"
  11. no they are not. how many baseless claims are prepared to just throw out in this?
  12. lol so the AEI and Heritage foundation are both right wing "think tanks" that are referencing the Johns Hopkins paper, which I'm sure you didn't bother reading. For anyone that actually wants to be educated here's the actual link. https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/pubs_archive/pubs-pdfs/2020/200417-reopening-guidance-governors.pdf The john's hopkins paper is not recommending loosening restrictions. It is outlining HYPOTHETICAL WAYS IT COULD HAPPEN. I just read this for you because I know you're never going to but here's the meat and potatoes. So no, that in no way is epidemiologists saying taking aggressive measures is over with. That's saying how things COULD move forward AFTER appropriate actions were taken. Which of course they never were, except in places like NYC.
  13. Locking down is not a political issue, it is a public health issue. Still waiting for just one quote from an epidemiologist/virologist saying to move back slowly, like you originally claimed before you cowardly edited to a bunch of pointless nonsense. Also speaking of the national guard...
  14. You know I quoted you, right? Like everyone can see what you claimed originally. Even what you're saying, which isn't a direct quote so I'm not going to bother with it, is basically just defeatism and if you're holding that up as policy and not an indictment of our failures then I don't know what to tell you.
  15. also don't forget that when it comes to lying about numbers, it's primarily governors doing it, and red state ones at that I wouldn't believe anything coming out of georgia, texas, or florida.
  16. who said i stopped drinking
  17. it theoretically could. it hasn't been proven to. I would not.
  18. go up to this guy, a nurse, and tell him about how sad it is someone in shitsville nowhere lost their ATV tire repair shop. Quelle horror
  19. like what in the fug is wrong with people like you Tbe. Tens of thousands of various healthcare personnel are risking their lives every single day fighting his mysterious virus that no one knows anything about. Literally ALL of the smartest epidemiologists and virologists are screaming how bad this is going to get if we don't take aggressive shutdown measures. And you're just spreading lies and bullshit for what reason? So you can get back to your meaningless, boring, pitiful little life? So you can sit at a bar with a bunch of other limp dick Trump voters and bitch about Obama? So you can keep pretending you're the protagonist of your own life story and all of history has led to you? The right wing response has generally been driven out of normalcy bias, greed, and white people being told to do something for the first time in their lives. Also the usual right wing mega donors funding protests but that's just baked in to our society at this point. I think the fatalism you see from a lot of people is just performative. Most of these protestors are the same "survivalist" fetishists who love to brag about surviving a societal shut down and they made it about 10 days. I think the main thing we've learned from all of this is the next time a pandemic strikes, the reaction has to be immediate, it has to be federal, and it has to involve the national guard.
  20. This is incorrect, and you are full of poo! https://www.uptodate.com/contents/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-considerations-in-children?topicRef=126981&source=see_link#H2030209649 The diagnosis of Pediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (PMIS) REQUIRES a positive COVID19 or Ab test. Do not bother trying to find a link. This is from uptodate, which is the most pertinent source used by healthcare professionals. Whatever you dredge up from the depths of right wing shitsville is irrelevant.
  21. your heart is in the right place but this is incorrect. and i have been drinking because im doing rotations in the middle of nowhere tennessee so i will correct you! the immune system is not built to handle the flu! the flu changes annually because it's so unstable. that is why we prioritize vaccinations! however, the immune system is designed to adapt to something like the flu. the damage is still done however. covid19 does not trick the immune system into attacking itself. that is a retrovirus. this is not one of those thank god. what covid19 does is target type 2 alveolar cells using ACE receptors. Type 2 Alveolar cells specifically create a substance called surfactant, which helps keep the alveoili (little bulps at the end of the bronchial tree where gas exchange occurs) blown up. not only does destorying these cells make it more likely the alveoli collapse (thus decreasing gas exchange) but the infection causes more fluid to come to the site, which makes them collapse faster. fluid is the body's natural response, because it contains all the good disease fighting dudes. if you get a cut, it will swell. but of course this has the horrible effect of further collapsing the alveoli and further decreasing oxygen exchange. ace cells have a huge role in regulating blood pressure. they are found all over the body (which explains the wide array of symptoms) but primarily in the lungs and kidneys. long story short ace receptors cause the blood pressure to increase. that's why for patients with high blood pressure, we prescribe ace inhibitors like lisinopril. as part of any immune response, the vasculature relaxes and opens up to allow more virus fight dudes to seep in. Per Pascal's Law, this decreases the blood pressure. Without the ACE receptors the body can't regulate that as well. Without adequate perfusion (MAP around 65) you are no longer perfusing your organs. Then you go into multi organ failure.
  22. also i just read this this morning and it's hilarious as well as backing up my point about the uselessness of the gig economy and breaks it down pretty well https://themargins.substack.com/p/doordash-and-pizza-arbitrage basically door dash started doing deliveries from a pizza joint without telling them, but mislabeled one of his pizzas. So doordash paid 24 dollars for a pizza that they sold to customers for 16. Of course the owner of the pizza place just started ordering pizzas from his own place through doordash and pocketing the profit lmao
  23. legitimate stimulus for people that can't work from home would do wonders. pair it with a jobs guarantee/work program afterwards so you can murder the gig economy once and for all this was a once in a generation opportunity to remake the american economy moving forward and instead states are forcing people to either go back into a pandemic or starve and the president is telling people to inject bleach
  24. here's a big huge article from a major newspaper that interviews a ton of serious people about just how fuged up trump's handling of all this has been https://www.ft.com/content/97dc7de6-940b-11ea-abcd-371e24b679ed im still reading it but basically every quote is horrifying
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