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electro's horse

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  1. Oh my god what a play falcons should have called timeout there. They were all fuged up
  2. Dude the falcons d line is getting destroyed I don’t know what it looks like on tv
  3. I’m in the same section as adam thielens wife about to risk it all
  4. Someone has to be fired for that pass falcons fans are talking so much poo lmao
  5. Throwing the same pass twice in a row in that situation is the most disrespectful poo I’ve ever seen lmao that was right in front of me. That second pass was a touchdown as soon as it left Penix’s hand. Whole crowd knew it Falcons games are such a better gameday experience than panthers. I say this as a psl owner.
  6. Oh my god hunt is out? grady Jarrett is gonna feast
  7. Chuba got a very reasonable contract and absolutely deserves it. He’s also well liked on the team and sometimes extending a player is about org politics. luckily with Hubbard it’s both. It’s not like he’s James Anderson or anything.
  8. Say what you want about the commies, they can find young offensive coaching talent.
  9. lol remember how when cam smiled it was a sign he wasn’t taking the game seriously but when Bryce does it while going 6/17 for 43 yards in the second half it’s about how much more comfortable he is wow maybe something people should think about regarding this “narrative”
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