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  1. Yeah, people are confusing it with what the Wonderlic test is.
  2. That's not what the S2 test is. It's a reaction test where you're asked to identify shapes/colors/numbers of an object/etc. quickly. The only way you can improve on your score is by improving your reaction speed, which isn't something you can study.
  3. Weird how being smaller means you're more likely to get injured when the biggest, most athletic prospect, Anthony Richardson, has been the most riddled with injuries.
  4. Yeah because the Bears have such a great history of recognizing QB talent
  5. I just realized that the Panthers defense has the best players in the league at every level. Best safety, corner, linebacker, and interior defensive lineman. What a great day and year to be a Panthers fan!
  6. I love that New Orleans somehow falls prey to Shula's bullshit plays.
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