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Everything posted by JARROD

  1. Thats where I agree and no one is comprehending. Behavior that is unbecoming, such as taking players out of a game, purposely deflating footballs etc. All should be punished with suspensions and forfeiture of games. Calling something cheating though, which is subjective on deflated footballs, is just incorrect. The outcome and penalties can be just as severe. Although peoples bias and perceptions get in the way. I would argue that driving a 4000 SUV recklessly through traffic like the one that could have killed me and another family this morning should carry the same penalty as shooting a .3 ounce bullet up in the air carelessly. Many will disagree, but its because of what they hate and what they love, not reasonable thinking.
  2. Actually no it wasnt. Breaking rules and getting caught means you get punished. Taking draft picks or suspending a coach is totally on the table. When the Saints were going after players, they didnt get fined and suspended because it was an unfair advantage, its because its just bad publicity and behavior. Aaron Rodgers just came on the radio and said underinflating the balls would be a disadvantage not an advantage. Others disagree. So advantage thats unfair, which is cheating, is what is subjective. I hope that clarifies your irrelevant answer.
  3. Same to you. Push aside the hate for the Patriots, take the blinders off and actually read an entire post if its within your capability to do so before answering. Thanks
  4. Thanks for reading the entire post and showing off your astounding comprehension skills.
  5. The rules are the rules, but it would still need to be determined whether or not the balls being deflated was an actual advantage. I think thats subjective and not something that can be proven. Aaron Rodgers just came on the air and said for him it would be a disadvantage, he likes the football being overinflated. I do think its easier to catch an underinflated football. But if that was cheating why are guys allowed to wear gloves? If its proven they broke the rules, then sure take draft picks, suspend Belicheck like they did Sean Payton. Rules are rules even if some think they are dumb. But whether or not its actually cheating like putting a larger engine in a NASCAR or using loaded bats again is subjective. Maybe thats why Lafell almost never drops anymore or why shane vereen can catch passes down the sideline or how a lineman catches a touchdown?
  6. http://m.espn.go.com/nfl/story?storyId=2563563&src=desktop One more time just for those who thinks all teams poo doesnt stink. What was the headline instead of spygate? "PATRIOTS OVERCOME CHEATING PANTHERS"? The difference is our team lost. Had the Panthers won the 2003 Superbowl, spygate never happens and the Panthers lose draft picks for allowing a drug enhanced culture. I love the Panthers but the level of self serving bias and trying to act like sports is above reality is just hilarious. Are we at the Combine yet?
  7. Thats like saying why wasnt John Fox and the Panthers or others penalized for cheating or just turning their head the other way? http://m.espn.go.com/nfl/story?storyId=2563563&src=desktop Ill tell everyone why, because we are nobody and nobody cares. When teams that repeatedly win, even more sour grapes come out and a team thats probably doing the same as everyone else, just doing it smarter and better gets all the finger pointing. Just group psychology.
  8. And if they broke the rules then they will pay the price. When a team goes to 9 AFC championships and 6 Superbowls in a 12 year span, an average of 50% they in the Superbowl, then everyone that cant handle it will always come up with excuses just to make themselves feel better. I dont like Cheating either, but many times it wasnt cheating, it was just operating outside the norms and someone with more money made a stink about it. The footballa can weight between 13-14 ounces and are inspected and marked before they go to play and marked when they are taken out of play. Nothings impossible, but I just find it difficult for someone to have deflated the balls and then expect an official not to notice.
  9. Dude offensive. Straight R rated, flag on the play. The score was 45-7. And for the record, Presbyterian hospital downtown, mint hill, Independence High, US Marines, Panthers all the way. If its found they deflated the balls they will lose draft picks. But hanging 45-7 on deflated footballs is for losers and cowards.
  10. Its not cheating to be smarter than other teams, use the rules against them, execute their plays better than anyone. Like the spygate. Its just haterade. All teams have tape on each other. Mike Rucker once bragged that we killed mike Vick because we got their snap count. You have a playbook and can make in game adjustments. Only cowards and losers blame other people for their shortcomings and failures.
  11. Its not cheating to be smarter than other teams, use the rules against them, execute their plays better than anyone. Like the spygate. Its just haterade. All teams have tape on each other. Mike Rucker once bragged that we killed mike Vick because we got their snap count. You have a playbook and can make in game adjustments. Only cowards and losers blame other people for their shortcomings and failures.
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