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About Liminy

  • Birthday 11/11/1987


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. I'm happy for these guys that they found a system that works for them, whether it's the personnel or the scheme, it doesn't matter. We have what we have, deal with it or fug off somewhere else? I really don't understand the reasoning for placating to this kind of nonsense. Be happy for these guys in the picture, and be happy we aren't the Jets.
  2. The Win-Win is having basic competency at the QB position in order to adequately evaluate the athletes that play WR, TE, and a Defense that isn't gassed from being on the field 2/3 of the game.
  3. I think this is important on the players side as well. If the players find it easy to play for him and he can encourage them to play harder and work harder and they take to that easier because of the type of person he is, then I could seem him going places as long as he himself understands the game at the high level it seems. I'm cautiously optimistic, like most seasons.
  4. Probably knew our spot wasn't as enticing when they were looking for interest earlier, so once it got to a certain point and no trade had been announced, you have a tiny bit of leverage I would think that they feel they are running out of options.
  5. Anybody catch him on McAfee's draft show? Dude would not shut up. Denver should check their medicine cabinets
  6. I got nothing constructive or interesting to say. I just fugin love Cam.
  7. That's some top tier journalism right there
  8. I'm here for it, I don't think playoffs either but I do agree that it will be fun to watch. Is this the most active we've been in an offseason as far as showing something that looks somewhat like a plan? Also, I want Bryce to succeed not just because he's our QB, but because it would be fun to see, I love a good underdog story.
  9. That's Pop Music mate, the ones they keep on the top 40/top 100 charts.
  10. I like the mock. Mainly because at this point I don't care who we get just let them be decent. I guess I'm begging for slightly better than mediocrity, so I can't be choosy as well.
  11. This team needed an identity, I don't know what that identity is yet, but these players we got seem to want to build it. Tre Mann and Brandon Miller killing it tonight.
  12. Watched the whole game tonight, first one I've watched since maybe the beginning of the season. Really like what I'm seeing and I feel like the team can only gel more. Finally the team is fun to watch again and doesn't implode in the 4th!
  13. Hornets and Panthers really need a jolt of youth in their coaching areas.
  14. If I knew LaMelo was playing I probably would've paid more attention but I forgot. Just at a box score glance, it looks like the starters sans miller are doing alright, but the bench cant do a got damn thing. Obviously that doesn't tell the whole story, but I'll catch the lowlights on this one I think.
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