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Everything posted by PantherCam213

  1. Please play with the heart of Jake Delhomme.
  2. The Beast has Wallace listed as 3rd LB behind Colson and Cooper.
  3. Lights are probably extra bright for the cameras.
  4. Glad to see we are finally investing in our OL. It's been a need for years.
  5. Apparently 6 years is not long enough for it to register that, for the football fans who watch this sort of show, the "ticketed events" we are interested in are football games. Personally, I couldn't care less about the events that caused us to rip up a grass field and make the playing field less safe for our players. Maybe it will sink in in year 7. You know, Jay-Z and all.
  6. Bernie Parmalee is coaching the RBs. Wonder what the snag is with Idzik.
  7. He thanked Fitterer in his press conference for giving him the opportunity to come back to Charlotte. I thought it was interesting that he didn't thank him for mentoring, but maybe it's that he knew his audience.
  8. This is why I hope Evero stays another year. Let Canales work on the offense this year and look to the defense next year.
  9. Don't know why but it doesn't work on my iPhone 13
  10. MUCH better than a connection to temple or baylor.
  11. Will miss DJ. I wish him all the best in Chicago.
  12. To be fair, he said CJ physically reminded him of Burrow. Said that was before taking a deep dive into what he has between the ears and his personality and whatnot. CJ may or may not resemble Burrow as a complete work. Just food for thought before we place value on what we're going to have to give up for a QB.
  13. I read that Payton had a problem with ownership, although it seems that ownership would have a say in the trade compensation for his hiring so it may not be as easy as all that.
  14. If we have to give up 2 1st rounders for Payton, no way. Our 2024 1st rounder will be hard enough to take, but beyond that and a lower rounder this year, tap me out.
  15. I am slightly optimistic knowing that Fitt and Mrs Tepper are in the room. I'm hoping they have more of a BS meter than Tepper does. On the other hand, I don't know how much weight he will give their opinions so slightly optimistic sounds right.
  16. According to him, he didn't draft anyone. It couldn't be on him.
  17. I'm beginning to think the only team the Carolina Panthers can beat is the Carolina Panthers.
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