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About joeyxfresco

  • Birthday 02/14/1992

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  1. Dalton recently has reminded me a lot of that Delhomme style of QB
  2. AM I GONNA HAVE TO BUY XL JERSEY NOW???? Don’t give me hope now. It’s been so long now
  3. Really love to see Tepper evolve as an owner. I think he was trying to find the balance between his Wall Street and NFL leadership and I think he finally found the right mix. I was watching CNBC this morning and they were interviewing him about draft night and on his previous CNBC interviews he always sounded like a completely different person than NFL media Tepper. This morning it sounded like his business and NFL personas have finally found a perfect medium. Really excited for the future
  4. Just when Carolina reels me back in after the whole Cam debacle/Rhule era failures they find another way to turn me off
  5. I like that we are taking a gamble on Young if he’s the choice. Stroud and Richardson would both always live in Cam’s shadow due to their stature and history with him. Cam left some big shoes to fill at BofA and the only way to fill them is to let the new QB forge their own path
  6. Work acquaintance/client of my firm who knows I follow Carolina who works with DSG to produce seasonal catalogs. Said jerseys won’t be too different but will definitely have some small changes, minor changes to pants, blue pants with these changes will be added to the rotation. That’s as far as I know. Wish I had more for y’all
  7. Hearing through the grapevine that Carolina is slated to add blue pants to the game day rotation…..
  8. Not enough fry cook experience to be a coach of Tepper’s liking
  9. San Jac gave up on us after 2016. There was a bar on W 6th that gave us a shot in 2017-2018, can’t remember the name, that kicked us to curb when Baker got hot with Cleveland
  10. Panthers could’ve built a dynasty around Cam and Luke if Rivera/Hurney/Gettlemen weren’t at the helm
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