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Everything posted by CardiacCat87

  1. Sad, but true. I'm pleased with Brown, however, you can't settle with just that.
  2. I agree. Am I in the minority when I say that I am not thrilled at all with Cotchery's presence here? If we are looking at KB, Ginn, Brown, and Cotch... IMO he is the weakest link there. He was brought here as a #2 and didn't really contribute squat.
  3. I'm starting to think as far as FA WR's go, this is going to our only move. We should at least see another WR addition somewhere in the draft.
  4. I disagree with that. Our return game was absolutely abysmal last year. Bersin hurt us tremendously. He is a liability on every single punt. Getting him off the field is taking a big step in the right direction. We already know Ginn is a great return man. Hell, I'll even take Ginn over Bersin at WR any day.
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