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  1. I love the panthers because they were the first sports team I ever liked as a kid. Growing up in Kentucky, it was all UK basketball and Cincinnati Bengals. The Carolina Panthers gave me some of my best friends due to us always sitting together at lunch and having that bond of being different. Having a love for a team, win or lose, that we all shared. To this day, my roommate and I are die-hard Panthers fans, just graduated from college, and the most fun we have each week is getting to watch out Panthers
  2. Starters need to sit if we score again..... Tillman doesn't look good. Cant afford any more injuries.
  3. time to see if the defense has learned anything from last week.
  4. In real time it definitely looked like he kept it against his leg.....
  5. Thats sad. I would have done anything to be there if I could have afforded it.
  6. If I didn't know any better, Id say the Eagles are undefeated and are the number 1 team in the league.
  7. That 45 seconds they refuse to give us back is going to be huge
  8. Luke is the greatest! I still get to hang it over my fathers head (giant Cinci fan) that we got him! Bragging rights for years! twitter handle: aahainley
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