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Panthers Fanatic

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  1. Couldn't get off the field on 3rd down today is the difference if we lose...
  2. Game day with an opportunity to be 15-0 going into our home finale. Let's go Panthers and kudos to all the fans who are making the trip down to GA! Let me hear ya today! Keep Pounding!
  3. Love me some Cam Newton! Dude is leading this football team and getting it done!
  4. Shaq looks terrible today...only about 3 Defensive players deserve a check this week!
  5. Wow, I like this move especially from a financial standpoint. Thanks Chicago! #Gettlemagic
  6. Let's go get this NFCS win. Too bad the rain will mask Sean Payton's tears. P.S. J-Stew, it's time to unleash!
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