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About swoonychic13

  • Birthday January 13

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  1. I have to say I am very disappointed in Cardinal fans. I have been waiting for this thread since Sunday, but other than the whole "Camthers" fiasco they give us nothing but actual insight and football knowledge. Fug those guys. I was ready to scoff at their ridiculous ideas of grandeur and the notion that old man Palmer could hang with our boys. *sigh*
  2. I read here a lot, post here some, and enjoy the back and forth. I'm a sucker for other people's drama. I don't have an allegiance to any one poster, so I'd like to think I'm pretty neutral. Here's what I see here. PhillyB says Cam didn't have a baby, that's a fact. 15 dispels that 'fact' with some pretty convincing evidence. The majority of the posters jump on 15 for being a troll. All 15 really wants is for PhillyB to admit he (15) was right. But there's a billion pages of everything but that, including throwing shade on 15 for wanting validation. (And let's be honest, we all want a little validation) Finally PhillyB shows up and says 'yeah, yeah, whatever', which likely severely disappoints 15. It all reminds me of when a spouse proves the other wrong and instead of admitting they were wrong they get mad at the spouse for being right. Idk what 15 did to piss all of y'all off, but can't someone just give the guy a little props? I, for one, appreciate your info. It has put the mystery to rest for me and my PantherNation FB group. Kudos. Mans thanks for the entertainment, guys.
  3. HIPAA extends to the patient, which Cam is not. It also is private medical information. The fact that a baby was born is not private. Births are public record. And of course the now known hospital website with her name makes it public, as well. There is no HIPAA violation with posting a pic with Cam. Now there may be hospital policies against it that could jeopardize her job. That's a different matter.
  4. Just drove by the stadium, Cowgirl fans are already setting up. Got some nice looks in Walmart in my Panthers gear. :) Gonna head back over in a bit. Can't wait!! We got this. These are not the same guys that couldn't hold it together in big games. We got revenge on the effing Seahawks and the Eagles...bring on the Cowboys!!
  5. This week is very strange for me. I started out as a Skins fan when I was 12 as a way of rebelling against my Cowboys family. But when the Panthers played their first season I was living in Fayetteville and became a fan. They are my true #1 and I root for them above all else. But I still have love for the Skins, and still cheer them on unless they are playing us. My FB timeline is filled with Panther fans calling out the Skins and Skins fans calling out the Panthers. My instinct is to defend both. Is this what multiple personalities feels like? haha Anyways, as a part time Skins fans I have to say that the NO game was a fluke. While they have some great talents, the coaching staff is a mess and does not use players to their strengths. Cousins had a great game, but he is just as inconsistent as RGIII was, with maybe a little less natural talent. JNo will shut down DJax and Garçon has struggled. Their biggest weapons will be Jordan Reed and Matt Jones. Keek is great at stopping under routes to TEs. And the rookie Jones has not faced a defense like ours. We'll stop them in the first half. Cousins might get something going in the second, but I see it as being not enough to matter. Redskins 13 Panthers 30
  6. They lost all credibility when the first one said the Titans were capable of beating any team in the league. bwahahaha!!
  7. Reading their thread makes me want to scream. They keep talking about Denver being able to handle because they have a good secondary. Excuse me...but are they forgetting about Josh Norman?? If Rodgers wants to throw to him, be my guest. He'll eat that poo up and ride off into the sunset.
  8. This game was the main one I was truly worried about...until I watched them play Denver. They didn't look nearly as elite as the media pundits would have you believe. Aaron Rodgers was limited to just 77 passing yards. I know the stats don't reflect it, but I fully believe our defense is every bit as good, if not better, than Denver's. The difference being we played without our top LB half of those games, and had other injuries on defense as well. As a healthy unit, we certainly have the talent to limit Rodgers. Also, for all the crap people give us for not having beaten anyone, who has GB beaten? Chicago, Seattle, KC, SF, Rams, and SD. Those are teams with a combined record of 17-29. So WHY is it our "easy schedule" takes away the legitimacy of our success, but not theirs? Packers are not as scary as people make them out to be. Panthers 24 Packers 17
  9. I grew up in DFW in a family of Cowgirl fans. When i started actually watching football we were stationed in Virginia and the Skins were in the big game, so it was easy to become a Skins fan. Carolina is my number #1 always, but i still root for the Skins as long as it doesnt affect my Panthers. Its weird to see all of you rooting for them today. LOL
  10. Here lies the problem. Free speech is supposed to be for EVERYONE, not just those who agree with you. The idea that something shouldn't be protected as free speech because it offends you is the very antithesis of free speech. If you don't like the name or policy behind a private corporation then you have every right to choose not to patronize it. But in no way do you have the right to force that company to change. Offended by the name Redskins? Don't be a fan. Don't buy their merch. Don't go to their games. Protest all you want. Wether you support the name or not, I will say Dan Snyder has earned more respect from me for sticking to his guns than anything he ever did on the field. He is not backing down for the bullies that are trying to force him to concede. It's refreshing to see someone take a stand rather than fold to liberal pundits who are adamant we should never offend anyone. Your self-righteousness offends me. Get over yourself. PS- not a conservative or a liberal. Just tired of these idiots pussifying my country.
  11. I think it is kind like saying 'blah, blah, blah' or 'yada, yada, yada'. Yes?
  12. I was hoping for this last season before he signed with TN. I think it will definitely be an upgrade on Bell. I'm kinda stoked.
  13. I read that Washington may be a dark horse in the mix, according to 'sources close to Peterson'. FWIW I would love that b/c it would be a great eff u to Dallas fans, whom I loathe.
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