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Everything posted by WUnderhill

  1. People keep saying stuff like this, but he has done nothing, absolutely nothing, to earn any sort of "benefit of the doubt" when it comes to OT. I don't trust him to protect our franchise QB, and why should I? The job he has done in that area has been simply inadequate thus far.
  2. Can't believe we gave up our third for that. I don't think any team besides us was looking at Thompson or Funchess anywhere near where we drafted them. Mind boggling.
  3. You know what you need when you have big, slow receivers? Time for their routes to develop.
  4. This is exactly my problem with the pick. I just don't see the immediate impact. Not to mention that we probably could have traded back even to the top of the 2nd and still gotten him.
  5. Wish we would have moved up a couple spots for Humphries if he was who we wanted. It was a no brainer that AZ was gonna take him.
  6. Would be surprised if Zona doesn't take Humphries. Hoping they take Collins or Gregory.
  7. I've never cheered for a non Panthers pick as much as I cheered for Leonard Williams to come off the board before the Falcons picked.
  8. There's not really much point in trading back this year unless we're acquiring future picks.
  9. Welp, there goes the hope of a compensatory. Goodell raped us hard on this one, somebody should let JR know that Goodell works for him, not the other way around.
  10. So, he's not an intentional thief, he's just an idiot. Glad we got that cleared up, lol. Thanks crab leg guy working part time for minimum wage, guess I don't need to wonder about whether all the other employees think this is ok...or management.
  11. The white tops with the brown pants seem alright, the rest are pretty bad. But then, there uniforms were pretty ugly already, so not a huge deal imo.
  12. Several of those guys gonna be waiting til round 2 lol. Edit to add: maybe even later in some cases.
  13. Hard to believe he was around 12 years. He doesn't seem THAT old.
  14. Even Stretch Armstrong would call that a stretch.
  15. Wtf is with this guy? First Good Charlotte, then that stupid April Fool's prank, now the Miami Vice crap. I'm starting to wonder if we really want this guy in our locker room, he seems very self-centered and immature from all this.
  16. The picks are made as if those teams were still making them, and then the chosen players are banished to the CFL.
  17. Was just joking, but thanks for not being a d about it.
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