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Everything posted by bandu

  1. Chuba Hubbard is the reason we won the last time we played & not Bryce Young's 126 passing yards. I just do not understand why that is so hard to understand ?
  2. hopefully the Panthers brass thinks otherwise & they trade Bryce Young & draft a rookie Qb in the 1st round of this upcoming draft...just saying
  3. the Saints coach is more than likely going to be fired after this one ...just saying
  4. yeah I cannot understand this either Reich was a better coach than Canales & all at the same time just about everyone here on the hudfle was chomping at the bit to see Reich kick rocks & they want to keep sunshine ? makes no logical sense ?
  5. Steve Smith I honestly think is who we can all thank for Jalen Coker being a Panther ...just saying
  6. he made a dumb trade today haven̈'t you heard ?
  7. have you seen some of the players Dan Morgan passed on to draft these guys ?
  8. so let me understand this if Baltimore wins the SuperBowl & the Panther finish with the worst record in the NFL then our 6 th & their 5th will basically be about the same pick ¿ I just don't see how anyone with any common sense whatsoever would make that type of trade ?
  9. LOL we are 1-7 currently & probably going to finish with a worse record this season than we had last year & Bryce Young has shown no real signs of improving upon last years overall performance .that's after bringing in an upgrade at WR in Diontae Johnzon & drafting a WR in the 1st round & bringing back all the WR's from last season as well & then nvesting millions into the oL & after all that somehow the offense overall is worse this year than last season ? so if it's not Canales fault well who the hells fault is it for showing no signs of improvement on the offensive side of the ball after all those aforementioned upgrades ? oh let me guess it's the defenses fault ?
  10. & LOL it does not matter what anyon̈e thinks all that matters in the grand scheme of things is what David Tepper thinks or let's say does ? & David Tepper will more than likely make sure the Panthers draft another Qb with the #1 overall pick & keep who he thinks is a Qb whisperer in Dave Canales to groom the young lad into a franchise Qb & wether I like it or not this is what I see happening
  11. i honestly hate to say this simply because DC is such a likeable guy.however , at the same time it was way way early & Canales should have never been hired in the first place to be an NFL Head Coach at this stage of his carrer .now if so , please explain to me what Canales has ever done in the past that would lead you to believe that he is qualified to be a good to above average head coach in the NFL not now but let's even say more importantly moving forward? & I completely understand you desperately want some sembelance of stability & most people yes want that in their everyday life it makes perfect sense. however this is the NFL & unfortunately it's just the opposite of stabilty instead it's all about what have you done for me lately & winning & not just for the coaches but everyone & I mean everyone involved & btw I was never a fan of firing Reich mid season last year
  12. yeah this team is by far the worse & it's not even close
  13. yeah i hear it alot of people give this generic response stating that we owe Canales at least 2 years ? no what we owe is to the fans the players the opportunity to win & a rookie Qb the best coach available to help mold him into a success
  14. you have to hire a new head coach at the end of this season while you have the #1 pick .if not ,well then no decent head coach is going to agree to come to Carolina without that #1 pick & moreover you owe it to the Qb that you decide to draft #1 overall in this upcoming draft ...just saying
  15. you really have to bring in a new coach & let him get his pick of the Qbs while you have the #1 pick. without the #1 pick you are never going to find a decent head coach that would be willing to come to Carolina just saying
  16. I am not exactly sure what anyone would see in Bryce Young at this stage of his nFL carrer besides being a huge gamble for an undersized Qb with a weak arm & a massive project where you would have to surround him with elite talent .
  17. oh my goodness here we go again it's time to watch what not to do if you are a Qb ...just saying
  18. what David Tepper desperately needs is someone to tell him NO .until then the Carolina Panthers are going to always be nothing more than David & Nicole Teppers real life fantasy football team. ...just saying
  19. David Tepper has verbally attacked the team & coaches by screaming curse words at them after losing games then thrown drinks on opposing fans that were simply doing nothing more than pulling foʻr their favorite team at a home game & then went into a local Charlotte restraunt because he disagreed with a freaking sign ^& decided to walk in the restraunt & remove someone's hat without their permission or let's say consent long story short David Tepper is a loose cannon & no one should feel safe around this guy when he loses .people like Davis Tepper do not just magically become better with time no just the opposite they generally always become worse with time & one of these days some one could possibly be seriously injured as a result of being around David Tepper when he loses ...just saying
  20. I know it's not of popular opinion but at this time you cannot continue to dwell in & on the problem any longer.no absolutely not you have to get in the solution at the end of this season & you must set aside any emotional connection you have with this front office & current coaching staff .for years now & still this team is the worst team in the NFL showing no improvement not by accident you have to hire a brand new GM put him in charge of everything football related & i mean literally everything & then GTFO out of the way as he brings in his own personal hand picked scouting department & hires his own coach & drafts the Qb of the future & most importantly creates an entirely brand new culture in Charlotte or keep what we are currently doing & accepting a different result...just saying
  21. hey Canales is a super nice guy & has a good vibe about him & so I can kind of understand if your really down & out bringing a big personalitylike his on board in ordler to lift team spirits makes sense from that perspective .however at the end of the day there was a reason no other team in the NFL showed any interests in hiring Canales as a head coach & that's simply because he was never actually qualified at this stage of his carrer to become an NFL Head Coach in the first pĺace ...just saying l ,& as far as the whole fixing Bryce Young fiasco is concerned well if anything Bryce Young looks to have regressed instead of progress in his development & I am not so sure if Bryce Young is even fixable
  22. even if Tepper was to get lucky again like he did when Wilkes almost took the team to the playoffs it would not take him long to screw a good thing up so yeah I think Tepper will always be a loser in the NFL...
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