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Everything posted by bandu

  1. yeah he is definitely more of a liability instead of an asset whenever he is on the field
  2. yeah without a doubt we need our Qb whomever it might be to start dumping the ball off or let's say checking down the ball more to CMC...
  3. Baker's an easy target because ... A)whenever he gets in trouble then he automatically almost always rolls out to his right... B) he sits & stares down his reciever leading the defense more than any other starting Qb i've seen in the NFL prior to releasing the football ... C) & he's a midget with little man syndrome causing him to say things he can't back up creating unessary momentum for the other team to kick his & our ass with an exclamation mark.& moreover if not this year while being a Carolina Panther then well more than likely in the past he's rubbed someone on the oppsing team the wrong way with his big mouth... D)& I honestly believe that the NFL has figured out this offense to the point that they are able to easily diagnose the play prior to the snap on at least 75% of their plays... E) plus he simply sucks...
  4. it's painful to sit & watch this team for 4 quarters
  5. GMs normally hire the coach in most circumstances & also have the authority to fire a coach.but yeah thanks to Tepper we don't have an ACTUAL GM more like an assistant GM to Matt Rhule GM slash coach
  6. if we had an actual GM that had any common sense whatsoever Matt Rhule would've been packing by now...
  7. I would prefer to see a thread as to why we should keep Scott Fitterer? on the other hand Matt Rhule is a no brainer at this point...just saying
  8. yeah I really like this kids motor he always seems to be giving it 101..
  9. " life is a bit like mountaineering- never look down " Edmund Hillary...
  10. from where I live i can throw a rock & almost hit Wilson Creek...
  11. oh my my I hope it's not Chubba back there returning for us. either or I don't want to see CB having to use his hands to catch anything...just saying
  12. what really stands out to me is whenever he was telling the team last year as they were spiraling out of control in a downward trajectory by losing week in & week pretty much on a regular basis to hang on & in fact be patient because it was 1000 % percent working & that it took Jay-Z 7 years to make it & become successful. so yeah I mean that aforementioned analogy makes absolutely no sense to start with he uses one that is very elongated by taking 7 years. then also besides that what in the world does JayZ & a professional football team or players carrer have in common with one another?
  13. ...here are just several thoughts of mine regarding Matt Rhule's performance yesterday against the Cleveland Browns... A).. yeah I think Rhule should have let Brady Christensen start at LT & slide Ickey inside to LG where he belongs for the time being if nothing else allow him time to develop his game or at least before throwing the kid to the wolves & lining him up against freaking Myles Garrett for the first time.so yeah once again he's got these two players turn around for the time being which is no surprise at all whatsoever with how Rhule has handled the oL in the past.. B) ...& who freaking calls a timeout & let's the other team change their mind & decide on kicking a Fg when the opposing team initially appears to be making a mistake by going for it on 4th & goal with what like 6 or 7 yards to go if I remember correctly... C) ...when an offense that is flowing & clicking on all cylinders why take your foot off the gas near the goal line and settle for a Fg instaed of a touchdown that would have giving your team enough points at that time in the game to go ahead and pretty much secure the WIN... D) & oh my goodness the leader of men the head coach walks around in a state of confusion with that look on his face where he is either usually standing there with his over sized one size to big wrinkled shirt hanging out & mouth drooped open glancing around startled or either he's grinning at you like some sh%t eating possum for I have no earthly clue why he thinks he needs to stand there & be grinning at you like that in the first place? ... E)... & then that silly Qb competition in training camp between Darnold & Mayfield that caused his starting Qb to miss valuable reps in a new system was one of the things you noticed in yesterday's game with the fumbled snaps... F) ... oh the list could go on & on & once again on since in fact it's just a one big vicious cycle of incompetence week in & week out pretty much for the most part on a regular basis..Rhule & Teppers relationship reminds me an awful alot like of the ole saying goes " you have the blind leading the blind " ... ... etc.,etc, & etc..
  14. I don't really know to be completely honest because there are so many IF'S that could occur during an entire season in the NFL. but I do know this...& that is all that I care about for right now is getting a Win against our next opponent which is the Cleveland Browns & starting the year off 1-0..
  15. oh now come on SCP how can it even be humanly possible to write about taking a poo in an interstate Exxon & forget all about mentioning anything whatsoever about that other stuff well that ain't the poo that you see smeared all over the walls that says something like " hey there honey if your looking for a good time well then give me a call at such & such number "...yeah yeah just saying
  16. Lavinia Shanault is a traditional wingback & they don't lineup on the outside like a wide receiver.Curtis Samuel was a hybrid wingback that you could put outside like a wide receiver because of his speed. most people think of a wing back & they automatically for the most part say hey here is a guy who can play running back and wide receiver so they are a wing back. nah that is not what defines or let's say makes a player a wingback...just saying
  17. yeah look here whenever you learn to accept instead of expect you will have fewer disappointments...just saying
  18. ihey s Matt Corral a smart talented all around good kid that his family especially his parents should be proud of? ABSOLUTELY YES... do I think that he is ever going to become a starting Qb one day in the NFL?.. absolutely without a shadow of a doubt absolutely NOT... do I think he can develop into a decent backup Qb in this league...once again NO... do I hope that I am wrong about Matt Corrall's future in the NFL...YES & as long as he is a Carolina Panther then HE[[ YES... is the Huddle going to like this post? ...DEFINITELY NOT...
  19. yeah I really like how Marquan McCall has performed during the preseason & believe that he has went from a player on the bubble to earning in a spot on the 53 man roster. we're probably looking at keeping 4 DT's but yeah just maybe while very unlikely 5 at the very most... DT/ 53 man roster... 1 ) DERREK BROWN 2 ) MATT IOANNIDIS 3 ) BRAVVION ROY 4 ) MARQUAN McCALL 5 ) ( the bubble ) DAVIYON NIXON
  20. hey buddy when you get old like me then it all starts whenever you begin to forget names...then next thing your forgetting peoples faces... you forget to zip up...& then finally you forget to zip down...
  21. Gross played RT his rookie season
  22. it might just have something to do with the fact that Bing Crosby is a legend in Las Vegas who also had a song entitled " the road to Las Vegas " that he recorded with fellow singer/ actor Bob Hope
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