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Everything posted by bandu

  1. it's not the size of the field it's the speed of the game & you beat speed with arm strength which produces more velocity on the ball & less time in the air.so with that said the issue becomes not how far you can throw the ball but more importantly how long does it take for the ball to reach it's target ? because of course the longer it takes the ball to reach it's target then the easier it becomes for the defender to get a read on the ball & berak up the pass or even intercept the ball...just sayng..
  2. yeah one of the primary jobs of a GM is to parse information accordingly. however ,when you have a GM whom cannot properly analyze information due to their obvious lack of knowledge you wind up with a GM such as Scott Fitterer saying yes all the time.
  3. I believe that E. Evero lobbied or let's say really was intrigued with DJ Johnson & heavily influenced the pick .however, that still excuse Scott Fitterer for being an idiot & agreeing to trade up & draft the kid
  4. kid thinks he's Tom Brady 2.0 lmao kind of reminds me of John Elway whenever he was a kid ...just saying
  5. i-m sorry but I just have to say that I don't think Thomas Brown calling the plays will make that much of a difference & matter of fact i think it will get worse instead of better & yeah yeah i already know that's actually very hard to believe especially right now ...but will see...
  6. i'm tired of being a loser .so of course with that said my dream come true would be that David Tepper sells the team...just saying
  7. I know alot of Chicago Bears fans that like Scott Fitterer as well...just saying
  8. lol certain people in the media making it racial whenever they ignore the fact that Jerry Jeudy should have been preparing for the game & more importantly not be a distraction to his teammates as he is bouncing around humping the air bobbing his head flailing his arms like a hybrid between a chicken on crack & Kai Jones while all at the very same time his teammates are right behind him preparing for the game performing warm-up drills & focusing on the task at hand ...just saying grow up kid ...
  9. on a more serious note I believe we should hang onto Chinn. & moreover I don't trust nor should I have any reason to trust Scott Fitterer decision making...just saying
  10. can we throw in Miles Sanders in on the deal ?
  11. can you just imagine going 0-17 after not also winning a single preseason game & here we are well on our way ...just saying
  12. i just now woke up & seen Jerry the Jag Jeudys stat line from last night @ KC & yeah so, J Triple had his worse game of the season with a total of 3 catches for a combined 14 yards.lol
  13. man those poor kids scarred for life by their own father.i can't even begin to imagine...
  14. my very first gut reaction to everyone around me & even on the huddle was that I did not like the fact that we or let's say the Carolina Panthers traded up to the #1 spot in the d8aft.& one or you can only imagine how that went... without saying .
  15. I'm sorry but I don't quiet completely understand your point because Frank Reich was hired prior to the draft & so what we supposed to do if he didn't let's say get his guy just quit ?
  16. the issue with David Tepper is that he does NOT understand his place in the grand scheme of things due to being a hard headed egomaniac...just saying
  17. David Tepper just needs to do like basically every other team in the NFL & hire a competent GM & let him do his job ...just saying
  18. thanks to Tepper& Fitt we have the most untalented roster in the NFL/ no first round pick next year which would be the #1 overall pick right now / somehow managed to do the impossible & hired a head coach worse than Matt Rhule / traded a MVP candidate in CMC & have nothing to show for it / by far the worse GM / & an owner who reminds me of bozo the clown / & the list could go on & & on forever & a day just like our losing streak...
  19. my personal opinion is that Scott Fitterer wanted Beyce Young from day 1 & over a period of time Frank Reich was eventually talked into it
  20. & oh yeah you have to take him out of the game for QB sneaks which isn't to sneaky...
  21. & yes to your question we or the Carolina Panthers have the worse owner in the NFL....just saying FACTS
  22. ph man that's or let's say David Tepper seems to be somebody that would have to pay people to be his friend...just saying
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