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Everything posted by bandu

  1. a day like today truly speaks volumes about what a great job Prohel has done with Hill and these UDFAs in a relatively short period of time...wow and wow again...
  2. this young man having the skill set to play on the outside is a rare commodity on this team right now.ok,let's say best case scenario Funchess is ready to start as our#2 from day one...then the question becomes who are KBs and Funchess backup in case of an injury that can actually play on the OUTSIDE?like I have said before if Funchess isn't ready to start from day one..,then guess what???
  3. this isn't Cams ideal WR?an explosive second gear,soft hands,a physical mismatch,freakishly contorts his body,exceptional field vision,6'5 240 pd blocker,and a catch radius second to no one in the entire draft.i personally believe no WR in this entire draft would complement Cam more.
  4. this 10 game suspension is excessive in comparision to what Rice and Peterson received.sure...i can understand the emotional complexity attached to this particular case, but SHAME on anyone who supports inequality.
  5. just an unbeliveliable talent and maybe the BEST WR in the 15 class.
  6. hell you translate this kids skill set to where the BIG boys roam, and your looking at what???a bust and i guarantee it because I know talent.
  7. he isn't mean enough to block much less create seperation at the LOS.this kid is a MAJOR project,imo.
  8. in 14' under the scrutinity of the media the NFL was lambasted for not levying appropriate punishment for domestic viloence,and Hardy became the poster child for Goodells exempt list.then in 13' abuse presented itself in the form of bullying and Martin was the victim.i am not sure,but I believe the league banned hazing at the conclusion of this particular probe anyway the Panthers release Hardy during the off-season (15') and Steve Smith the previous off-season (14')and it's a well known FACT that he not only bullied his teammates verbally but also physically.so it just leads me to believe that this team values image and creating a healthy environment for players such as Martin moreso than abusive talent. sure it's pure speculation on my part that signing Martin was a PR move,and i could very well be wrong.however,if he comes in and publicly expresses what a great organization the Panthers are,and how it allowed him the opportunity to reinvinte himself...well...
  9. public relations move after the Hardy fiasco(thank baby Jesus that it's over),and a cheap camp body at a position that we desperately need help at...makes sense
  10. no I wouldn't necessarily be mad,but more like wary of the finished product.my major concern with Gurley is his grit.I would much rather have a tireless runner such as Coleman in the second
  11. one of the best ballplayers to EVER play the game... why he.. N.ok.the young man is a thoroughbred if I have ever seen one.
  12. whenever you say Dave are you referring to Jerry Reese
  13. DG could have brought in S.Henderson and J.Hurst two UDFAS last season,or hell even one and it would have been an improvement over Bell and Chandler.but DG didn't do anything last offseason to address our needs at tackle besides pursue A.Collins and when that didn't materialize Bell and Chandler were our ONLY two options.but lets continue blaming Hurney and our cap space for Bell and Chandler starting last season.
  14. i am fine with Oher as a stop gap RT but it makes no logical sense whatsoever to believe that he should be our starting LT,smh.Remmers can be the answer at left tackle MAYBE,but Oher,smh
  15. Del Rio made a mediocore team in Jax competive.however the situation in Oakland is entirely different since they have a one of the best oL in the league and found their QB Derek Carr in last years draft.also this team has assembled a promising young core whenever you infuse 13' and 14' draft (top 3 draft class).ole yeah they draft again here in a couple months
  16. i like Remmers and thought he did a heck of job last season.but i believe he is best suited to play on the left side as a backup. and why did DG decide to keep Bell and Chandler these past two seasons?they could have both been easily cut without hardly any monetary loss.
  17. you can't compare interior linemen to tackles.sure i agree that they have to coheisevely form a unit,but they are entirely two different animals. no doubt Turner and Norwell are two studs and DG deserves credit but the same can't be said for our tackles Chandler,Remmers,Bell,Kugbila and Oher.
  18. author A.B.Guthries book entitled "Big Sky" became Montanas state nickname in the early 60's in order to promote tourism.
  19. you calling someone stupid you don't even know makes me envy your intelligence(sarcasam) and maturity level...and then you want to operate a billion dollar buisness...NO THANKS...next
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