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Everything posted by bandu

  1. without a shadow of a doubt our or let's say the Panthers best option at Qb & at that by a pretty considerable margin. but yeah like I've said all along I think that this upcoming season will be one of Baker Mayfield's best years to date in the NFL
  2. another thing that good Qb's do is that their field awareness allows them to see danger developing & throw their receivers out of harms way.but now Corral he just about got Kirkwood killed out there today
  3. I've said it since day one temper your expectations with this kid.i& I'm not even going to say what I really think of his game in detail just because of the simple fact that he's a rookie Panther and oh yeah that people unrealistically on this board drool over him for no logical reason whatsoever...just saying
  4. he led the Cleveland Browns to a come from behind victory over the N.Y. Jets in his NFL debut which at the time the Cleveland Browns hadn't won a football game in 635 days.then after that continued to produce at a high level during his rookie season & led that very same team whom hadn't won a single football game in 635 days into the playoffs in 2020 for the very first time since 2002.. ...so yeah you know just saying that alone is not only considerably better than anything Sam Darnold has ever done in his professional football career but would also be considered elite for a rookie Qb to accomplish..
  5. yeah I agree simply because the Eagles probably have the best oLine in the NFL.or either the Bucs when healthy of course...
  6. ...just saying...Rhule is such an egotistical maniac that he still has Darnold out there wasting valuable time & resources still practicing with the 1's oh my my what a complete dunce...just my 2
  7. a thing of beauty & not surprised at all with the way Baker Mayfield is performing at this point...just saying we got ourselves a Qb now...
  8. Sam Darnold couldn't win the starting job for the Ottawa Redblacks...
  9. their intrguied by the simple fact that he is so fat & should be able to man handle opponents.& we I think playing at the mighty University of Albama plays a factor as well now with that said I agree with you 110% that yeah peoples infatuation with Deonte Brown makes no logical sense whatsoever...just saying
  10. i unfortunately can't say the same thing for Corral because I just simply don't believe his game will translate to the pros as it did in college... but now with that said on the other hand I honestly believe this time as time will tell of course that Fitterer has finally struck gold this time & found that diamond in the rough that he has been so desperately in search for in the form of Baker Mayfield... just saying
  11. no disrespect intended but Baker Mayfield is going to wind up being the best Qb of the 3 ... just saying
  12. Baker Mayfield is going to be a grand slam...
  13. oh boy I tell you what right now that Baker Mayfield is going to in fact blossom into a a really good quarterback here in Carolina barring of course no injuries
  14. wow just wow & howling how at the fact that this is so unlike Mitch Kupchack
  15. it's like yeah i'm really cheering away rah.. RAH... choooorahhhj. at this trainwreck WTF really h
  16. I'd love to see the Panthers extend Gilmore would be a a definite bright spot amongst all the fuss
  17. well Tepper is pretty gun shy right now i'd say as what to do next & all at the same time he knows most importantly that he definitely not afford to make the same collossal mistake twice
  18. well in general or let's it's commonly known that an egomaniac doesn't like addressing or let's just say openly admitting to a large crowd of people that theyreally and honestly don't have a f....ing clue about what they are talking about & are in over their heads. so to me it's nothing more or nothing less than just the simple truth
  19. not surprised whatsoever, moreso expected that this particular individual would be in this position at some point in time prior to the the end of the year...just saying oh yeah and that's all I got to say about tgat...period
  20. yeah yeah i've said i... nevermind brady christensen is our best option at left tackle
  21. yeah and my point being that his regular season completion percentage during his tenure in New York combined is almost an identical twin or let's say alike going 19 of 36 in camp
  22. I'm sorry & I really am but all at the same time you know what?... Sam Darnold simply is no one other than Sam Darnold himself whenever youLOOK at the FACTS wether it's in a camp in the Carolinas or a regular season game at the Meadowlands.
  23. just saying...don,'t worry oooNooo don't'acha worry now be happy ... now say it with me there
  24. well they got one thing right & that is having Brady Christensen starting at LT...just saying moreover that yeah in FACT this kid is our best option at LT
  25. meh I'm fine with the grade or whatever... but here's what I'm thinking or better yet let's say seeing & that is that this kid has really good control over the lower half of his body starting at his hips to his feet or let's say nice footwork& yeah matter of fact even as nice enough to very well be the best LT prospect on our current roster as of right now ...oh yeah...& of course just saying
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