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Everything posted by bandu

  1. yeah & Bears love trash imagine that...
  2. yyeah ou have one idiot right after the next calling the shots for an extended period of time well you eventually lose every week for a long long time...just saying
  3. yeah he will p royally ball out 2nite...just saying
  4. yeah right now it definitely looks like Young needs D.J. Moore way more than we need Derreck Brown...just saying
  5. oh dear lord can't we just hire a bona-fide GM...
  6. yeah switching these young oL from the right to the left after a year in the NFL seems to be a formula for success time & time again so yeah with that said I agree too...
  7. I honestly don't really look for things to just drastically change overnight with the OL & even the DLa trainreck right now moreso the OL we are oh well it goes without saying...
  8. &;the logic behind Scott Fitterer taking 50% of the credit & Matt Rhule taking 50% of the blame equals illogical BS....just saying .
  9. why for me it just simply plain ole common sense for one to say that YES at this time it's way to early to tell wether or not if Tepper has or has not redeemed himself on the other hand you have a plethora of irrational people who automatically ASSUMES that he has redeemed himself & conveniently seem to ignore the FACTS because they have of course an agenda & WHY ? well since we don't even know who ? nor even how good ? this rookie QB in all actuality is going to be then how do we even begin to imagine or know how good the team will be ? ...we can't ...just saying... hae the
  10. yeah most or just about all of these FA WR's especially the ones with a little age to them don't want to go pack up & play for a team that is just now to begin a rebuild mode & who plans on having a rookie Qb starting from day one who is going to do what? well that's the problem right there you don't know what's going to happen neither does the WR of course. which in turn will what YES possibly cost the WR money in the long run since it will directly effect the type of numbers he will or will not be able to produce on the field.....just saying good luck
  11. yeah I don't understand why people are celebrating so much and for what reason it really makes no sense whatsoever
  12. yeah why ? because I don't agree with the popular opinion on a football forum..
  13. please tell me what's not a fact then... or are you just going to sit there like a big baby calling me dumb over & over again
  14. yeah thank God for paper bags
  15. A) yeah Rhules ain't the one who has foolishly given away 10 draft picks and one of the our best offensive players in just a 2 year span on the QB position alone just to have the #1 pick left to show for it B) yeah then tell me what type of a gM we have next year whenever we turn right around & give the Bears the #1 overall pick right back just because Scott Fitterer impatiently decided to draft who? some rookie QB? that they trot out there under center from day one who has no business out there to begin with & then oh guess what what there is no one to throw the ball to nor a RB who can catch the ball out of the back field and his best option to throw to at TE is Ian Thomas. C) & just what it is that Scott Fitterer has ever done in his carrer up to this point that makes him a good GM...please tell me... D & who wants a yes man instead of a leader anyway
  16. this team is so bad it's almost hard to watch this crap anymore
  17. yeah you have these things called facts.such is the fact that whenever something good happens ole now to hear them (huddlers) say it well all of a sudden he becomes Scott Finesser instead of just simply Scott Fitterer for single handley smooth talking the other teams GM into giving him a draft pick for Greg Little & so on & so forth... now whenever there is something just so downright foolish that even a moron could recognize it from a mile & 1/2 away...such as drafting a long snapper in the sixth round why no now that's let's see Rhules fault if not his fault well let's see it got to be Dave Teppers fault of course & once again like before so forth & so on but yeah at the end of the day you have to decide for yourself does any of this make any logical sense whatsoever or is it nothing more than simply somebody with an agenda & that agenda of course is to be right no matter what...just saying
  18. yeah Scott Fitterer has made one stupid decision one right after another when it comes to mortgaging our future & investing draft picks on players that we didn't even need to start with such as Henderson who's been nothing more than a liability when he's out there on the field that the other teams seemed to take advantage of on a regular basis & then there is Gilmore whom we really didn't even need at the time or really neither one of them for that matter... ,& we gave or let me instead say Scott Fitterer gave the N.Y. Jets not only just a 2nd round pick for Sam Darnold but a 4th & 6th round pick as well... & oh boy let me tell you this team is going to be ...
  19. meh Reich couldn't win the AFC South with which is probably just as bad division as the NFC South is. i'm sorry this is the NFL where there are a lot of good coaches and coaching staffs everywhere you turn.Reich and his crew are way overrated here amongst this fan base & aren't going to just out coach there way out of this problem...
  20. yeah I agree ...but at the same time you have to think realistically okay then that this team is not going to win alot of games next year & especially with a rookie Qb starting. so realistically one would have to think think this team has no better record this season coming up than this past one.sending next year at least a top #5 pick back to the Bears next year possibly even the #1 overall right back to them
  21. here let's now do the math.. A) x2 first round draft picks B) x 3 second round draft picks C) x 1 third round draft pick D ) x 2 fourth round draft picks E) x 1 fifth round draft picks F) x 1 sixth round draft pick that equals 10 draft picks in just two years at one position alone only to have one unknown commodity left on the roster this upcoming season in the form of a rookie QB to show for it
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