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Everything posted by WelshPanther

  1. So fuging bad. Can’t believe what I’m witnessing
  2. Unacceptably lax. Just not at it to start 3rd. Shocking
  3. Day out with eldest daughter, 3-0 up, got Necas in first goal game and just caught a T-shirt…..a good day
  4. In the house today! First home game of the year. Let’s go!
  5. Deserved that for grinding away
  6. Creating nothing. Let’s see if PP can get us going
  7. They had plenty of energy but we don’t seem to create many grade A chances lately. Especially against solid teams. Been a few rebounds we just haven’t be about as well
  8. Played ok to be honest. Can’t get a shot through and they can. Oh and yet another clean period of hockey from our such well behaved opponents
  9. Rod looks like he’s been out all night
  10. We look tired as fug. Unsurprisingly
  11. His view was atrocious as well. No way he could definitively say that’s a hand pass
  12. Doesn’t touch his hand. fuging awful
  13. Who’s got the best PP post Christmas, the canes? We can’t have that. NHL refs probably…
  14. All these teams we play are so well behaved, nothing but good clean hockey from all our opponents.
  15. Hope the Rangers are using all their luck up before the playoffs. Wild end to game
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