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About WelshPanther

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  1. Can’t get a shot through at all. Kraken look a lot better than their record
  2. Worryingly off their game again. Just not at the races
  3. 12 goals in two games. Yep not ideal. As is the goose egg but I’m sure the team have no confidence in Martin
  4. It’s been an issue for the last 4 years though, I’m no free agency guru but surely something was available in that time
  5. Going to keep riding these shithouse goalies for another 5 years and waste Aho, Necas, Jarvis, Svech prime years.
  6. Getting stomped twice in two days. And majority of goals are on our inability to clear. fuging dumb
  7. fug them up boys. Need to stop playing like pussies
  8. Great win! Plus the capitals goalie just scored the best own goal I’ve ever seen
  9. So as usual our goaltending is a talking point? Not watching btw
  10. Was in Utah yesterday and Denver today. I really should look at our schedule before arranging customer meetings. Anyhoo, been really enjoying the Canes so far this year, I know it’s early but the guys we picked up have really slotted in well and are performing. Pleasure to watch. LFG Canes
  11. Playing great at the moment, stay healthy boys!
  12. Two in form teams. Caps on a back to back and travel, start fast boys!
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