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  1. No way man. Typical Canes pre playoff luck if it is
  2. Anyone leave last game? Didn’t watch it all
  3. Jeff Skinner going to make his first ever play offs after, what, 11 years?
  4. Ovi going to break the goal scoring record against the Canes. 10 goals to go and we play them in 13 games and 16 games.
  5. Finally a piece of skill! Blake been great tonight
  6. It’s a borefest watching the canes lately. A real grind.
  7. First time I’ve played this year. Jarvo
  8. Meh. Everything about this team is meh.
  9. Just a mediocre team. See if we sneak in the playoffs and make some noise. Not likely with our PP though
  10. So is trade talk having an impact? Not even watching but score is enough to make me vomit.
  11. I meant purring not putting. But who gives a fug. Still on the beach it seems
  12. Was looking forward to this game a lot. More fool me. Ron got them putting after the break lol although can’t legislate for Burns being past it
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