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Everything posted by RJK

  1. i thought i saw a one hander from a white boy and got too excited
  2. so no brandon williams? who is this simonson character?, he's playing well doe
  3. ricky proehl is the vet in that WR room....what a play by teddy williams
  4. can we get rid of the crap on the sideline that turns cleats to ice skates?
  5. alright don't post fans tweets, especially idiotic ones
  6. it's not odd mick...they're playing like garbage.
  7. nope...you don't do that play call in pre season
  8. it's just richie brockel passed off a guy for some reason and he lit tolbert up
  9. even if it wasn't tipped that's a hard catch to make with a guys hands flashing at the ball from that angle....that's why it got in on corey like he wasn't expecting it, because he wasn't.
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