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Everything posted by RJK

  1. and here we go. lets let another shitty team hang around way to long
  2. jesus christ jones...what the fug was that? turned the wrong way and fell down and all djax did was run straight down the field
  3. and then the skin cries like a bitch because the ball got tossed at him....officially hate the skins and wish nothing but the worst on them. may snyder live long
  4. stewart didn't appreciate that shot to his knee as he walks in the endzone...pretty rude if you ask me
  5. i hate those delay handoffs to the edge. i think stewart got hit by all 53 redskins on that play
  6. THE GOOSE!!! I love having this guy covering our games
  7. my fuggin connection keeps dropping out. what happened to hunter?
  8. funny i don't hear grow men crying "respect" every time a defensive player does the cam celebration after a pass breakup
  9. i wish that ball went to a kid but those dudes earned it for traveling so well
  10. hey look what shula found? a player that makes him look not terrible
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