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Everything posted by RJK

  1. No pressure...no blitz...soft zone...and now the announcers are stroking the cards ego. hate this coaching staff sometimes
  2. Somebody check Rivera for brain trauma...he clearly has a learning disability and no memory
  3. Fantasy football yards...they've gone soft...AGAIN!!! ron will never learn
  4. KK short doesn't rush and covers the RB out of the backfield???? is shula calling defense?
  5. jam at the line...sick of these garbage fantasy football dork yards at the end of every game
  6. arians has all offseason to stock up on kangol hats and hipster glasses
  7. Tom Brady and Peyton wish they could do that. they dream about it
  8. TD and harper done for the day...i have the utmost confidence in Tre and Shaq. pass the torch
  9. gotta throw that away...100% have to throw that poo away
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