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Everything posted by RJK

  1. When I was a kid I dreamed of being a pro athlete. WR for the Bills, goalie for the Devils….now my dream is to have a job where I get Sunday’s off
  2. I mean cutting a hole in a hat so his hair can pop out the top is hilarious tho no?
  3. you're the rightest right person that was ever right
  4. "intentional" being the key term here. I was under the impression the ball had to be considered catchable from inside the tackle boxes. Sorry i haven't memorized the rule book ya nerds
  5. even if it's 15 yards over his head? ok that's dumb
  6. correct me if i'm wrong but throwing an uncatchable ball out of bounds from the tackle box is intentional grounding no?
  7. so brady just gets to intentionally throw the ball out of bounds with no flag now?
  8. did anybody win the lottery? No? get the fug off my screen then
  9. Did i just cheer out loud for the cowboys? Football is back boys
  10. This is a slow moving game due to nobody running the damn ball
  11. He's not the same guy if he has to retreat or move side to side. I like the Panthers chances at getting pressure up the middle
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