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Everything posted by RJK

  1. And they claimed Brandon knight off waivers because they’re a little banged up. Apparently the panthers felt they didn’t need him
  2. He was claimed by the ravens…you know that team with like 40+ games in a row with 100 yards rushing that ended yesterday. Guess their LT is a little beat up. Guess the panthers couldn’t use him
  3. It’s very obvious he needs to develop a bull rush. He might lose a step but he’ll be better at setting the edge and it will keep tackles from just pushing him beyond the QBs and out of the play. Someone get him in the weight room
  4. I’d be nice if that front four would suit up. Looking at u Brian Burns
  5. They need 4 starting lineman, a QB, and a play caller. Pretty much everything except the skill positions
  6. Rhule said the plan is to have him against the giants. Which means he’ll go on season ending IR. The standard is the standard
  7. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if they found a way to lose.
  8. CJ Henderson with the touch of death
  9. Darnold doesn’t have it between the ears but Teddy doesn’t have the arm talent. It’s a wash IMO and the final record will reflect that
  10. It’s not so much that they’re bad. Bad teams can still inspire hope. It’s that they’re completely inept top to bottom. The talent is there(except the oline) but I have no faith these coaches can or will learn from their mistakes and change it up. We’ll see a performance exactly like this next week
  11. He’d get absolutely murdered behind this line. At least Darnold has the athleticism to escape sometimes. Mac Jones is a statue
  12. Buffalo always been 1 a kiddo. Tune in Monday night to see how a pro football team is supposed to operate
  13. You mean going fishing with jimmy Johnson didn’t turn rhule into a NFL HC?
  14. If I’m Gilmore I take the rest of the season off. Why risk injury and $ playing for these losers?
  15. More physical than the team on the field. Sign em up they got spunk
  16. Just quoting this as I was told a couple weeks ago(not by you) that Sam doesn’t throw hospital balls. When it’s been happening since TC joint practice against the colts
  17. One thing I’ll give Rhule is he gives one hell of a rah rah speech, unfortunately there’s no substance behind it so it equates to fug all
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