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Everything posted by RJK

  1. They’ve quit. 53 man roster of passengers made in the image of their HC. All talk no action
  2. If the panthers can’t make it this year with 3/4 of the conference being dog poo they’ll never make it under rhule. The playoffs were served up on a silver platter and this franchise fell on its face
  3. The worst part is if they can’t get in the playoffs this year, when a team that barely breaks .500 is going to get in. I doubt they’ll ever make it under rhule. The panthers are officially a Mickey Mouse franchise
  4. 28.0 QBR maybe it doesn’t matter who the QB is when the coaching staff and FO are out to lunch
  5. Looks like it’s STs turn this week to lose a game 29-30 other teams win
  6. It’s almost like this staff can’t evaluate talent Or knows how to use the talent it has
  7. Panthers will do what the panthers do and find a way to lose. Offense, defense, ST, coaching…someone will fug it up.
  8. Broken feet become chronic. Just ask Olsen. It’s beneficial to take more time than needed to let the foot fully heal rather than rush back for a losing season.
  9. All we heard all last week from everybody was what a great story and how fun having cam in the league again was. He’s not hated by the media
  10. If the defense had shown up and they beat the football team the talking heads would be drooling over this team right now, and cam in particular. But alas the panthers do what they do and found a way to lose.
  11. The media loves cam outside a couple pot stirrers who’s job it is to be controversial
  12. There’s zero reason he should play again this year. I don’t even think limited practice is necessary or a good idea. Take the extra time to come back strong next year
  13. They’ll win, or they’ll lose. It doesn’t matter and nobody cares because this team isn’t going anywhere. Same ol panthers
  14. You’re not factoring in that they realized they could run at will in the 2nd half and essentially didn’t have to throw the ball
  15. Look Gilmore is amazing but he doesn’t have the speed to chase scary Terry all over the field. That’s why DJ was on him for better or worse
  16. He’s a fast talking conman with no substance behind anything he says. That might work in small town college programs where nobody is paying attention but it won’t work on the national stage.
  17. It’s a buzz word. Doesn’t mean anything. He’s essentially a good salesman and that’s it, which is why Tepper fell for his sheister BS.
  18. First game in awhile I’ll actively ignore until I get off work and watch on game pass. GO PANTHERS!!!
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