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Everything posted by RJK

  1. Half the league is involved by tomorrow. Accept it Tepper, and move the fug on
  2. Tomorrow there will be another team besides the falcons. All this to force tepper to overpay for a player that doesn’t want to play here. So whether the panthers get Watson or not, Tepper got played and played himself.
  3. Tepper is getting dog walked by the NFL right now
  4. Panthers need to cut bait and focus on the draft. This is a waste of time at this point. He obvy doesn’t want to play here
  5. Being banished to Cleveland is kind of an apt punishment fir being a scumbag
  6. How is he only 26? Feels like I’ve been hearing that name for a decade.
  7. I wish NO and car would pull their offers and force Watson to Cleveland
  8. Yeah I’m out on this guy. Giving everyone the run around and meeting with teams on the day he’s going to get wrecked in civil court. How his agents and lawyers aren’t telling him to focus on his testimony is beyond me. Seems like he’s still pretty immature
  9. Elflein was much better at center than guard. actually the Oline seemed to gel a bit while he was there but of course rhule went back to his pre season lineup
  10. Meh I’m not putting any faith into tweeter dee and tweetle dumbs optimism
  11. Yea it was obvious by his pudge and having to weight cut DOWN to heavyweight he wasn’t putting in the work
  12. Did hardy get cut? Goes to show it takes more than athleticism to be a pro fighter
  13. Right. There’s no new information to be had out there. If he left to meet with other teams he’s essentially said no imo
  14. Meh he was the invisible man last year. Weird the 2 DTs we def knew would be an upgrade, weren’t.
  15. The longer it takes the more likely another team can swoop in. Which is fine as long as it’s not the saints
  16. He’s listed as 280 lbs. I’m feeling some type of way about that but let’s see
  17. To be fair rhule is a great BS salesmen. As a recruiter I bet he’s pretty good. Unfortunately he’s not selling a program to a kid and his parents but a grown man who can see the results of rhules rule.
  18. I just assumed he was more of a run stuffer based on his run grade
  19. Well I guess that means if chinn is still around he’s staying at FS. Which I disagree with
  20. The Saints might just be trying to force carolina into an arms race they know they can't win to get tepper to sell the farm and cripple the franchise for the next decade. 3d chess
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