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Everything posted by RJK

  1. When a team restructures its entire roster to manipulate the cap you’d think the NFL would have something to say about that. I’m ready to put the stank of this farce behind us.
  2. I mentioned that last night also. Tepper may be a giant unbearable dweeb but he is filthy rich, and has the ego to match. He wants to win and if he keeps taking big swings like stafford/DW, he’s bound to get a hit eventually.
  3. Sneaky meetings, cap manipulation, disappearing paperwork, phantom NTCs…it’s obvy the nfl doesn’t want him here.
  4. I agree with this part. Tepper is a blowhard but he’s rich with a big ego and wants to win. If he keeps swinging big like with Watson, eventually he’ll connect.
  5. Steelers signed Jack on the cheap. He’ll be a pro bowler in no time
  6. Yep, If Carolina did that they’d face fines and lose draft picks. Media darlings run the league
  7. Yep we forgot to calculate for the Texans FO being ass
  8. well i guess Rhule couldn't be that great of a leader then could he?
  9. panthers weren't eliminated from the playoffs until week 15 last season. In a blowout against a division rival with the season on the line.
  10. The offense was so bad under Darnold it sucked the life out of the team and they were sleepwalking. Darnold gets hurt, they signed cam, and everybody got a huge hit of that drug and played their hearts out for 1-2 games. That high wore off and they went back to just going through the motions. And most of that time they were IN THE PLAYOFF HUNT because the NFC was so bad.
  11. The locker room quit on him twice last year
  12. we've had plenty of examples of rule and tepper saying one thing. Doing another. They're used car salesmen, all sizzle no steak. The panthers are considered dysfunctional by the rest of the league, have to overpay to attract FA and retain FA. I appreciate the effort i guess but they don't measure up
  13. The idea of Tepper and Rhule in the same room spewing that rah rah bullshit makes me wanna puke. can't blame watson for running from those phonies
  14. Hey Tepper. Stop bringing your wife to everything
  15. When the saints jumped in and they absolutely can’t afford him
  16. That’s what I’m not understanding. If he’s waived the NTC and we have the best offer…then make the deal Houston. Why allow DW to further fug over ur franchise by letting him choose an inferior package?
  17. Not if Watson goes anywhere but Carolina. Which seems likely since it’s apparently up to Watson to decide. Panthers have the highest picks/younger better players on rookie contracts. They can’t be outbid and they’re not going to get him because Houston’s FO is gonna do Watson a solid for some reason
  18. Houston’s FO might be dumber than ours. That’s a small victory
  19. So if all the offers have been accepted and it’s up to Watson. the panthers should just sign fuller now. Right?
  20. If that’s the case the panthers have been out of it since yesterday what a waste of time
  21. Damn we forgot Houston is dysfunctional and would take a worse offer for no apparent reason
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