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Everything posted by RJK

  1. I'm sure Tepper can make those credentials disappear
  2. She's trolling the team she's paid to cover. I'd be surprised if this comes to teppers attention that she'll be employed after this season here
  3. yeah he said the same BS yesterday if i remember correctly
  4. or the dude from cleveland they didn't resign
  5. He's got nothing on Dan Newton tho
  6. Bro they nerfed the sword of night and flame and the hoarfrost stomp
  7. There’s really no direction. I set my sights on the swamps and the area south of the first step
  8. i need to get my pasty ass out in the sunshine. DW has caused me vitamin D deficiency. It's going in my lawsuit
  9. Yes, I know the falcons are looking for help in the filing department so maybe the restructure is lost in the shuffle
  10. The Falcons just announced a re-signing 15 minutes ago...if anything had happened with Ryans contract we would have heard by now right? RIGHT?
  11. every team trying to get DW is. The difference is carolina isn't scrambling and manipulating the cap to fit a player. Thats gonna hurt in the future
  12. yes because those other teams over leveraged themselves to make sure carolina didn't get him. Meanwhile carolina continues looking for a franchise QB no worse for the wear
  13. Carolina might win this trade no matter where Watson ends up
  14. that would be belichickian Damn ran out of pie hella early today
  15. Baker is a Rodgers like diva with 1/10th the skill. Not worth the headache
  16. That would instantly make me a matty ice fan
  17. I can see Rhule being a sticking point but if Watson could use a little fuging foresight he'd see it's a very temporary problem.
  18. wonder how they'll fudge the paperwork on this one
  19. He's proving it again during this whole process
  20. Literally just Watson being fug boi
  21. Robbie had a down year but he's better than anything on the falcons outside of pitts
  22. Then that would be really stupid of DW to accept because that's their only offensive weapon LOL. This is so annoying because carolina is obviously the best choice and watson is being a little bitch
  23. the falcons don't have the quality young talent to add to the deal that carolina has is my point. Panthers can offer chinn, brown, horn, burns. Falcons can offer Grady Jarrett and that's about it
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