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Everything posted by RJK

  1. Fair it could be campen doing it but he hasn’t been here the last two years and it was a problem then too.
  2. I’m a little disappointed a coach as highly regarded as Campen hasn’t told Rhule to stop juggling the OL this late in the preseason.
  3. Jordan has graded well as a run blocker in the past. Maybe he has an edge there but it’s weird that BC(one of the best players on the team according to rhule) can’t beat him out
  4. The gigachad is peak masculinity. All bow to his manliness
  5. What colors your Bugatti gigachad?
  6. Hooray rhule made a big boy decision
  7. Everybody saying the QB competition is over. Incoming huddle meltdown when darnold starts with the 1s tomorrow
  8. During the next fight can someone take a swing at rhule in all the confusion?
  9. So what I’m hearing is the panthers are getting waxed by a better coached team
  10. 5 mins in. Rhule is trying his song and dance…”we have a team. We have a team. We have a team” meanwhile every player in the room
  11. He’s a dweeb, but a very large dweeb.
  12. PFF is peak analytics dorks trying to turn football into baseball.
  13. As someone who’s spent a couple seasons watching Diggs…no, no he does not make that catch or catches like that.
  14. Yea, one of the most physical players to ever play the position. And again, that type of player isn’t on the roster.
  15. Only thing that could save Rhule at this point is if he just copy and pasted the way Tomlin is handling the QB situation in Pittsburgh. He won’t of course because he’s smarter than everyone else
  16. It would take a big physical WR to hang on to that. I don’t think that player is on the roster. Maybe TMJ in a couple years
  17. This dude was somehow less professional and more of a homer than smitty
  18. Yea he was pretty unprofessional even for color commentary. It was like they picked a guy dressed as a hog from the stands and gave him a mic. based on his knowledge of the game and his “insight” during plays I’d say that job isn’t for him.
  19. Rhule is the master of overthinking very easy decisions and making things 10x harder than they have to be. How he ever got into a decision making role is beyond me.
  20. Didn’t see the vid of araiza was already posted. FOR THE BRAND
  21. I haven’t watched it all yet but one thing I noticed that I hate about this offense(they’ve done this for years before McAdoo) is they’re still running the play clock all the way down to 1 second before snapping the ball. It really allows defenders to time the snap and I hope they can mix in some no huddle once the offense is 100% installed to keep the pass rush from getting that easy jump on the snap.
  22. Luvu setting the edge. CJ and Littleton getting the TO. Ricci, Zane, and shi.
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