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Everything posted by RJK

  1. he's not that bad but he's not gonna get much better. he's a 4-5 WR who can't play special teams. those guys generally don't find jobs
  2. have to protect cam and oher is NOT the answer...he might be able to get the panthers through this year but it has to be addressed
  3. wow...just wow. so much no ^^^^^
  4. now if only my bills could find a QB
  5. on what planet are you required to attend a fellow employees mothers funeral? i don't even acknowledge my co workers if i see them in public. grow up d will you're 31 years old
  6. are the panthers finally going to start making roster moves that make sense? whats next competent coaching?
  7. would be nice to have a dangerous return man again. ginn affects field position and can play in some 4-5 wide sets
  8. well who coulda predicted this?????
  9. so the cheaters won? last team to win the lombardi was the giants in 2013
  10. I imagine the people who don't think this is a big deal aren't currently or never have competed in their life. you work hard to win only to have some ***** deflate footballs to get an edge. that poo is enraging to those who know what hard work is like
  11. combine that with the shittiest division in the history of football and you have yourself a dynasty
  12. if anybody hasn't seen it bill nye the science guy came out and said the michio kaku word salad BB spewed the other day made zero sense scientifically. good thing the average american has the scientific literacy of a 5th grader. most will go "oh he's so smart" and forget they're a bunch of cheaters
  13. seahawks have more players popped for PEDS since carrol was hired, than any other team.. won a super bowl with a giant secondary geeked out on basically speed. nobody cared/cares. except me and you apparently...fuging cheaters. wish i could get some of these guys on the mats. would love to turn sherman into a pretzel and make him tap out
  14. this is why i'm about done with pro sports, outside combat sports. cheaters everywhere breaking records winning rings on every other commercial. both teams top to bottom. owners=dirtbags coaches=dirtbags players=dirtbags. congrats on your super bowl win. whoever outcheats the other team the best wins
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