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Everything posted by RJK

  1. it's probably a good thing for this team to get embarrassed. especially in the preseason. TBH i'm not seeing a whole lot of effort except from a couple guys that keep flashing. Luke, coleman, norman...
  2. was that klein looking for a crack back? ur starting to annoy me klein.
  3. the sky is falling posts are just as annoying as the blind optimism posts. lets live in the real world shall we? i love preseason games, love watching the bottom of the roster to see if there's any gems. missed last weeks game, hate that funchess is out of this one. i'd like to see the run defense improved and the run game move the chains. can't wait to see shaq chase someone to the boundry. go panthers
  4. i mean in all honestly i feel like a lot of people here we're gonna be surprised when they weren't that great this year WITH KB. yeah they won the division but with a losing record and they didn't get exceptionally better in any area. i had a 9-7 prediction that now drops to 8-8
  5. my biggest concern is KB will be 300+ pounds by the time he's allowed to start running again. plus the fact he already wasn't exactly fast and he'll prob lose at least a step when he's healthy again...fingers crossed
  6. the same people calling for everyone to calm down are the same people that will blame KBs injury when the offense sputters during the season. never good when a guy gets carted off after a no contact injury
  7. i'm still worried anytime harper is asked to do anything other than run support. even then he's suspect at this advanced age
  8. hearing a lot about long TD passes this camp...a combo of cam improving his deep ball, the wr's getting better, and the safeties getting worse?
  9. so cam and ohers special handshake had no effect on ohers ability? are you gonna protect the family michael?
  10. i called alexander being in the first dust up but got the olineman wrong.
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