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Everything posted by RJK

  1. Dat effort doe from the rook. love it. Gettleman has built a contender for years
  2. somebody give ricky proehl a helmet and some shoulder pads
  3. yeah except Olsen wasn't one of the players he highlighted. It was dickson and that makes me raff
  4. "I want you to watch these three players"....Doesn't know any of their names
  5. Rivera took the foot off the gas again...He'll never learn obviously and it's gonna bite them in the ass
  6. other than Luke. Shaq might be the best form tackler on the team. fundamentals
  7. CAP is ballin. I'm comfy with him in the playoffs if need be
  8. i hope those garbage yards taste good. Fantasy football nerds will be happy
  9. garbage yards....ohhh yeah babaaay. garbage yards. oooh yeaaa
  10. they can't get that MVP chant in sync but i still like the effort
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