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Everything posted by RJK

  1. Didn’t notice that. Christian Miller played most of the 2nd half tho and did zilch against guys about to get cut
  2. This channel is so weird to me. The camera stinks. Nobody watches it. But it’s a HOF QB.
  3. It’s hard to be confident in the WRs when we have no idea what we’ll get from the QBs. DL is gonna eat tho
  4. We don’t know what we have in darnold yet. IMO he hasn’t earned the night off, the o line either. At least a series to get a feel but whatever.
  5. Practice fights does not a tough team make.
  6. Yea he can kick rocks. Hasn’t played a down and already annoying
  7. I guess they’re trying to save as much content as possible for camp confidential. This seems like the softest TC I can remember
  8. 28 pages in this thread. Maybe 4 of them about the topic. That’s the real issue here
  9. 3rd rounders 100% should contribute year 1.
  10. Would love to see Avery Williamson get brought in. One injury and it’s a bunch of JAGs at LB. not sure how comfortable they’d be with a league minimum 1 year deal with Reuben Foster… The panthers are covering camp like NBC Is covering the Olympics. Resulting in zero content or interest
  11. They keep signing DBs but they need to bring in another LB and there’s a couple decent ones out there
  12. first quarter against Indy. First half against Baltimore. If the offense needs it, first quarter vs pit. Nobody outside the skill positions and moton have earned a starting spot and need to earn it.
  13. The single digit numbers look bush league
  14. He’s obviously physically gifted enough to be a franchise QB. Now it comes down to what’s between the ears
  15. There’s usually some quality players available after final cuts. Just a Camp body
  16. Those were some ugly throws and bad decisions from the QBs today. I get the feeling they could use a vet in the room
  17. I’d cut him now since you know he’s not playing 17 games either way
  18. Horn got that work today boys, but it was nice to see accurate throws downfield
  19. Oh come on. I just got my 1 year badge!!! And it only took me 7 years
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