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Everything posted by RJK

  1. My biggest critiques of Darnold is he throws hospital balls to TEs and seems to miss a couple open receivers a game
  2. go to 16:14 and watch D Brown. This is with them needing a stop to get the ball back to give Sam a chance. just wow SMH
  3. Chinn was awful in coverage. Busted coverages, missed tackles, just out of position a bunch this year but he paid for it today.
  4. live look at Cowboy fans headed back under their rock
  5. Bro looks like an extra from the hills have eyes
  6. Can’t have 0 sacks either when the whole defensive scheme revolves around pressure. D line better show up next Sunday
  7. I don’t care so much about losing to the cowboys. It’s that dumpster of a fan base. Right up there with yankee and laker fans as the most obnoxious least knowledgeable group of band wagoners in sports. I have faith the eagles will get this D back on track
  8. No I don’t but do U think philly will find a franchise QB starting WR and competent coaching in 1 week? Unless the wheels completely fall off they’ll be 4-1 next Monday
  9. Oline is exactly what we thought it was but the D line didn’t show up today and that was the difference in the game. Oh and officiating but that’s every game lately
  10. Truth. But you'd never be able to tell by what gets on TV these days.
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