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Everything posted by RJK

  1. RJK

    Henry Ruggs III

    He’s done. Almost like having a pro sports team in Vegas is a bad idea
  2. That’s the whole line all game. I pointed it out a couple games ago when Christensen played guard. Him and paradis got more work helping guys off the pile than they did actually blocking anyone. This team is full of passengers
  3. Exactly. Would be a perfect stop gap. I don’t think anyone wants to see pj
  4. I see nick foles is on the block, could be a stop gap till darnold comes back. Wouldn’t cost much as he’s 3rd behind dalton and fields
  5. ‘Twas. You gotta throw that low and away to give Robbie a chance to get down. The fact it was right between the numbers actually hurt the play But also props to Robbie for shaking that off because I was sure he died
  6. That was horrible clock management by the saints. Now Brady goes right down for the game winner
  7. Zane Gonzalez won this game
  8. It’s changes the attitude also. Pass blocking gets guys used to being attacked while run blocking takes the power back
  9. Panthers are sticking to the run and it’s working for the most part. Credit where it’s due
  10. If burns didn’t make bad plays you’d never notice him
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