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Everything posted by RJK

  1. From a gambling standpoint it’s an upset I guess…but beating a team missing it’s franchise QB/WR is hardly an upset
  2. Finally a well coached game from rhule and Brady also. Used cam properly, didn’t over use cmc. It sucks it took injuries to force paradis out of the lineup but at least it wasn’t tecklenburg in there getting whooped
  3. Elf to center may save the season if it keeps the pressure out of the QBs face.
  4. See that’s the issue.“Pick a side”? Why? I’d rather take all the information available and base my opinions on that. I’ll leave the homers and haters to pick a side.
  5. Bro these announcers are clearly suffering from CTE. Start PJ next week?
  6. I mean the D played great but let’s not act like Murray and D hop missing isn’t a factor
  7. If they can get competent QB play with this D they’re dangerous.
  8. They’ve just attached themselves to the cam bandwagon and woe to those that don’t agree
  9. Well seeing as how Rhule barely spoke to Darnold until week 5-6 I’m glad Cam basically is forcing rhule to do his fuging job.
  10. It’s still the Pats league. Everybody else just plays in it.
  11. “How can I sell merch and hotdogs even tho we stink?”
  12. My point is that the Oline didn’t magically get better and Cam isn’t good enough to change the outcome. But by all means let’s let rhule and Brady off the hook with a PR move disguised as an upgrade at QB
  13. Oh I’m having fun. This is as dysfunctional as I’ve ever seen the panthers and it’s just made better with how the fanbase is mirroring that. It’s too inept to not laugh at
  14. Bro this isn’t a movie. Cam is who he is at this point. Marginally better than darnold, I’m glad everybody is happy cams back but keep that same energy 4 weeks from now
  15. This isn’t going to end well everybody’s all hype like the panthers are about to be competitive when it’s just a marketing ploy to sell tickets and beer. It’s so blatant and everybody shaking their Pom poms like the panthers aren’t going to be the same exact team on the field
  16. Cam wont finish the year and the PJ freaks will get to see what that looks like
  17. How fast can gross put 100 lbs back on I can’t with this franchise right now
  18. Panthers essentially drunk dialed an ex because they got desperate
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