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Everything posted by RJK

  1. Baker officially requests a trade. refusing to meet with browns ownership
  2. the only reason i can think of that the colts would trade for ryan is if they want the texans to get the worst possible return for watson, and the worst offer is by far from the falcons. It's not even possible their offer is competitive with the panthers offer
  3. I just want to point out again how dumb it was for the Texans to accept deals of vastly different values and letting the player play duck duck goose
  4. Falcons just made a couple bottom of the roster signings
  5. Matt Ryan is not the QB to put a team over the top and into the superbowl. Maybe once upon a time but no more. It'll just be rivers/wentz all over again
  6. Agreed. Do what Buffalo did with Von Miller and give him an offer he can't refuse
  7. yep. seems DW would rather be worshiped in ATL while losing instead of doing any actual work to recoup his image. That's just another huge red flag for me to go with the litany of others
  8. Baker on a struggling team with Matt Rhule as HC would drive the goody powder sales in the carolinas through the roof. He's a walking headache if things aren't going well and i don't expect them to with rhule still calling the shots
  9. i wouldn't mind Carr but i'm def not trading anything significant for him. Minshew is all hype. Baker is a diva who isn't good enough to be one. Draft is weak. Smart move is probably to strengthen the Oline, let darnold and rhule blow up this season and let a new coach pick a QB from a quality class next year
  10. Well time to order some Chinese, smoke a bowl, and fire up elden ring while the phone charges. Stay strong Matty Ice
  11. Most likely. They’ve manipulated the cap so his contract will fit now
  12. I’m suing Watson for a new iPhone battery after this. So make that 23 civil suits
  13. I’ll take penis eggs over the most punchable face in TV
  14. And a billion of them on every page. Makes my phone shite itself every time I refresh
  15. Especially when those division rivals did in a week what tepper couldn’t do in a year +
  16. I have a feeling they don’t want to be here anymore than DW does
  17. Bro my screen time is up 5000% this week
  18. If Jimmy G is under center this year
  19. Under a different coaching staff I could see Willis growing into a franchise QB. 0.0% chance that happens under Rhule tho
  20. QBs that’ll make me tune out next season. Jimmy G, baker, Darnold, cam.
  21. I mean the saints restructured everybody and can fit DWs contract. If the falcons can’t get rid of Ryan his second choice is clearly NO and Carolina is a distant distant third
  22. If they think saints give them the best chance to win then somebody is living in the past. There’s no Sean Peyton walking in that door
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