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Everything posted by RJK

  1. Yea I think we’ve all come to terms with the panthers getting zero media coverage historically. But it’s worse ever since this walking mustard stain came here and the panthers have become a punch line
  2. Prob been posted in the 5 pages but who’s got time to check? I’ve thought this a lot the last couple seasons, it must be hard to he “led” by a man who has no self control or discipline. People will bring up Andy Reid and that’s fair
  3. RJK


    You may be right, who knows? Either way all the Peds in the world won’t make you swole. Still gotta put in the work, and he’s clearly working too hard. Resulting in his body breaking down. This is why you never draft a RB that high and you def don’t give him that contract .
  4. RJK


    I think the injury issue is clearly a result of overtraining. I get these guys want and need to be in the best shape possible but CMC seems to hit a point of diminishing return. Maybe less muscle mass and more rest would Keep him on the field
  5. The unregistered gun should carry the heftiest penalty as it’s easy to avoid and there’s really only one reason to carry an unregistered gun.
  6. With intent to sell? I just picture shi smith in the parking lot of a STS9 concert selling sheets sticking out like a sore thumb
  7. Just having a gun around me while trippin is going to ruin the vibe
  8. Wait so he’s still in custody on a 6k bond? If an NFL WR can’t scrape together 6k it’s safe to say his life’s been outta control for a minute.
  9. I’d love to watch TB12 get smacked around by the bills. He left before they got their revenge
  10. I’d actually watch games this year if Rhule was forced to roll with Darnold.
  11. The worst lineman on the worst line last year
  12. I feel like if Rhule wasn’t told he could go get a QB either through FA or the draft he wouldn’t still be here. Why would he accept his fate if he had to roll with Darnold?
  13. The biggest takeaways from this pro day was 1. Dude has a rocket launcher and my guys legs are the envy of every weight room 2. He’s obvy a leader and well liked from teammates all the way to towel/water folk. His intangibles can’t be taught and his deficiencies can be coached up. If I was for taking a QB at 6 he’d be the pick. But I’m still going OL/DL depending on who slips
  14. Physically Darnold offers everything you can ask for. It’s the void between his ears that’s the problem. A 1st is steep regardless
  15. There are so many scouts and front office types that are stuck in the Stone Age. Modern technology allows these guys to analyze and attempt to fix any holes in their game quickly. Josh Allen’s accuracy issue was basically fixed with digital mapping of his throwing motion. If Willis wants to improve and puts in the work he’ll be able to. Nothing will make picketts hands bigger tho
  16. You have to think of Willis is the pick, rhule had no say. If it’s Pickett he’s prob still in the loop. If it’s a OL he might as well quit
  17. The recent success of QBs with ??? Coming out should have the panthers willing to draft Willis. Outside of just josh allen look at that 2017 draft. Trubisky goes before mahommes and Watson
  18. I don't know where this cam as a mentor thing is coming from either. What's he gonna teach pickett? how to run over Dlineman and front flip into the endzone? Cuz it sure as poo isn't gonna be x's and o's
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