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Everything posted by RJK

  1. He’s not good enough to warrant that contract or to be as big of a distraction as he’s been. Bros a diva even tho he sucks.
  2. More proof there are too many podcasts. Who thought having mumble mouth on a audio medium was a good idea
  3. Carolina really is the island of misfit toys right now. Two QBs, a HC, and a OC that nobody wants to play with/for.
  4. Wildcard is possible. NFC is weak. They’re not contenders tho
  5. Pessimism is baked into this fanbase based on the history of mediocrity and blowout losses in big games.
  6. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRNneWcV/?k=1
  7. Even if Baker stinks it’ll be nice not having a deer in headlights afraid of his own shadow Darnold moping around the huddle. Like if Baker goes off on RA after a dropped pass, or a OL, or rhule…this trade will have paid off in spades.
  8. So my understanding is baker took a paycut to get it done. I like highly motivated players betting on themselves personally. He’s a panther so I’ll root for him to succeed
  9. They could be in the wildcard spot. I have interest now as opposed to none before
  10. I feel like 99.9% of this mans brain power is used to remember to breathe
  11. If everyone stays healthy and the oline is actually improved they maybe could challenge for a wildcard spot
  12. The same way I celebrate every holiday as a member of the slave class. With an 8 hr shift.
  13. That’s so sad I’m so lucky I grew up in an era of shitty coke cut with baby laxative.
  14. Chinn but only because the coaching staff refuses to use him right so all his pro bowl potential is wasted.
  15. I feel bad for this kid. The expectations are crazy and he’s just not physically gifted enough to live up to them.
  16. They can’t stop the run until proven otherwise.
  17. I guess I’m just curious how corral and oline looks. Literally nothing else about this team interests me.
  18. There are much better QBs in that class. Arch is good but it’s all brand name hype
  19. Being obese obviously is a factor…but just big people in general are prone to health issues and die younger. You don’t see many big grandpas
  20. RIP. Loved goose as a player and he was madden Esque as a sideline reporter
  21. He seems to have always gotten by on his athleticism. That doesn’t work in the NFL. Not sure he has the desire to do all the work off the field to improve. We shall see.
  22. He’s aii. I prefer pmt during football season
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