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Everything posted by RJK

  1. I know rhule hate is pretty common now but how has there been no evaluations yet? He’s basically saying they’ve wasted two days. Laziest Coach I’ve ever seen
  2. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CgkEkdXswnu/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= The only coverage we’ll get from the team apparently
  3. What you don’t like the 8 chapters on arriving to practice?
  4. Yep. I know who’d I choose between the panthers and chiefs
  5. The most egregious decision of the day is rhule trotting Jordan and elflein out there with the first team OL.
  6. This alone should be a fire able offense
  7. The teams so bad lately they don’t even want to cover themselves. Even when the panthers were good the coverage was pretty lackluster comparably.
  8. Darnold usually looks good in shorts. Games are when he self destructs. If Baker is going to make up ground it’ll be in preseason
  9. Hope they’re just being cautious but that’s not a good sign either way. Foot issues linger and can derail a career. Ask Olsen
  10. I wonder what corral fans will say the first time he tries to run and gets obliterated because this isn’t college and that’s at least half of his game erased
  11. There’s noticeably less coverage of the team. Both locally and internally. Most years I’d have 5-6 vids to never watch
  12. I think it’s obvious who the defense wants as QB1
  13. Unless he’s significantly better this year….
  14. It would be nice if the people running this team had a plan In place BEFORE the start of camp.
  15. I think we’ll be surprised by how bad our front 7 is this year
  16. Picking out jewelry like a female.
  17. It’s pretty obvious the talking heads on ESPN are setting it up so if Baker does well. YAY!! Baker saved the day, and if he doesn’t, well the panthers are the worst team in the league. What’d you expect?
  18. These people don’t become billionaires without being shady scumbags
  19. This is soooo sick and way overdue. However its gonna be weird debuting them against the falcons with their black helmets
  20. It’s a great attribute if you’re winning. It can get sideways quick tho if they’re losing with malcontents like RA in the locker room.
  21. It’s tough to tell because he’s well versed at being on camera but he comes across as a genuine regular guy He’s def more assertive than Darnold personality wise which I don’t hate.
  22. Weak conference. 9-8 prob gets a wildcard spot. They have a chance if they stay healthy.
  23. I’m surprised he hasn’t had an introductory presser yet tbh.
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