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Everything posted by outlaw4

  1. Best way to "fix" a QB is understanding their strengths/weaknesses and finding out how to maximize their performance. In other words, if you are investing on a QB that's a round peg, don't expect much success if you are shoving them into a square hole. That's like blaming Peyton Manning for using him like Lamar Jackson and not getting more than two yards. Do have to note that trying to work on a QB's mechanics is not going to get results if they can't actually get meaningful live in-game reps because the line constantly collapses, especially if it's the interior.
  2. To a touchdown with 2 seconds left on the clock, I believe. What was really going against Ron was that we had been in a lot of close games with Ron but kept losing most of them. Having that pattern repeat itself in Year 3 was infuriating. Ron started going for it a lot more and that's how Riverboat Ron got started. But of course, this was not really part of a planned process but more of a realization that his philosophy wasn't working.
  3. Most I've heard about Baalke has been rather negative. How is this guy still around?
  4. You could almost say Canales got Tepper by the cajones with such a long contract and likely big payout if/when he gets fired mid-season.
  5. Wouldn't surprise me if we start hearing the joke that David Tepper hired this guy because his name was Dave.
  6. I just about had it sifting through scraps from other teams. Go get at least two guys in the draft and throw them out there. There's enough stories of mid/late round WR success stories and we're still going to struggle as a team regardless next season, so might as well let them acclimate with plenty of playing time.
  7. Has anyone actually looked at the free agents for 24? https://sports.yahoo.com/13-nfl-quarterbacks-free-agents-202717864.html Either will ask for too much money or not really an upgrade over Dalton. This delusion that one guy is going to magically fix the whole team is the very mentality that got us into this mess in the first place. We wasted draft capital and cap on Bridgewater, Darnold, Mayfield, Dalton and Young - and gave up talents like DJ/CMC in the process - that could’ve been used to upgrade the rest of the roster. Instead, we let our roster degrade to where I can’t name one position on this team that doesn’t require an upgrade. The way I see the QB position for 24, they are more likely to be the sacrificial lamb that's going to take the lumps of a team in the midst of a rebuild. In other words, trying to throw someone other than we already have is going to be a waste of picks/money because we'll likely discard for something better.
  8. That drive was shaping up to the Bills' last one in regulation. Given how the defense couldn't stop the Chiefs in any meaningful way, the mentality had to be scoring a go-ahead touchdown while draining every bit of clock possible. Right as the field goal unit went out, I shook my head and even told myself that it would be such irony if the kick went wide right. I shocked myself as that's exactly what happened. Can't say whether firing McDermott is the right move but the fact he's supposed to be a defensive guy and that side folds like a cheap tent. Chiefs offense this year is not the powerhouse it used to be but it didn't look that way tonight.
  9. ...well, it's a less worse interception that Love's - here's my best Favre bonehead throw - heave.
  10. Ravens showing that strong defense with a strong running game remains a potent combination in the playoffs.
  11. However one wants to frame it, 62 sacks is an unacceptable number. The QB question for next year and beyond is going to be irrelevant if we don't address the protection issues and we end up breaking whoever is behind center, both physically and mentally.
  12. One semi-okay game and the rest were stinkers. A product of expanding the playoff field too much, maybe?
  13. Well, my weekend is now complete. Bring on the rest of the games.
  14. Tepper himself is the biggest negative about the job and only Tepper can address that. Past that, the biggest thing is to assure the coach that their record next year will not affect their job security. Acknowledge that Young is part of the equation for next year but another QB can be brought in for 25, whether by FA or draft. Otherwise, the priority for next year is not playoffs but simply move the team in the right direction. Patience, that's what it comes to, a commitment that this new coach will be given enough time to address the myriad of issues we have. No more of all these mid-season firings.
  15. The only open question remaining is whether this year's batch of sad Cowboys fans can top last year's.
  16. Cowboys choking in the playoffs, it's an annual tradition. Also tradition...
  17. Comcast actually gave me Peacock for free as part of the service so I got lucky.
  18. There's still the part of me that wonders whether Fitterer actually had the option to make that trade with the Rams or if Tepper was never going to let it happen. If we tag and trade him, wouldn't shock me if he explodes elsewhere. We seem to make every player look worse than they really are.
  19. I feel bad for the waste of excellent German beer that our petulant owner is going to throw.
  20. Anyone remember anything Burns did this year that leaps out in terms of difference maker? Back in the day, Peppers got blasted for not showing up all the time but everyone knew when he was on. Not saying Burns didn't have impact plays but big money requires big plays. Just saying.
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