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Everything posted by CoastalCat

  1. He's just starting too early IMO. Look at both CJ and Hardy's numbers their first few years. Hardy hit stride at year 3, and CJ started putting up sacks just playing 3rd downs in his 4th year. It just takes time. Ideally, he'd be rotating in for a better starter until about year 3.
  2. Is it just me, or does it look like there's an alien face under that bag?
  3. Particularly the last couple where he doesn't play in preseason. It will be mid-October before he's back in the swing.
  4. Sorry if this was already posted, but have you seen the play clock controversy yet? https://video.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xpt1/v/t42.1790-2/12007536_10203603931138398_398919897_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjU1MiwicmxhIjo1MTJ9&rl=552&vabr=307&oh=350a6a683c908de2146ff42754c5a2b4&oe=55F35040 I have no idea how to embed a video on here.
  5. Holy Crap Holy Crap Holy Crap. My wife's birthday is on the 21st. If I gave her this, she'd poo herself!
  6. I was a bit surprised that they started the game with Folkerts at center instead of Remmers with Daryl at RT.Thought that was pretty much a done deal. I will say, Folkerts didn't do himself any favors in that game.
  7. I stand behind my "Player of the game...Daryl Williams" post from before.
  8. AKA you have "Special Teams Aces" playing defense. Tomato-Tomato.
  9. Apparently Ron was not pleased with the second team defense. "Unacceptable and upsetting" he said. I'm not sure what he expected. They made the decision to prioritize special teams play over position depth. This is what happens.
  10. Player of the game....Daryl Williams. There. I said it.
  11. I know it's not grammatically correct, but I always want to type "rules for watching an NFL preseason game". I know, I'm weird.
  12. Would have liked to see him against the other DE's. It's so hard to gauge things at this point. Is Daryl Williams good? Is Kony Ealy horrible? Is the whole o-line good, and the d-line really good? Are they both bad? Looking forward to preseason games, and coverage from practice with Miami. Things are difficult to judge in a vacuum.
  13. Is it bad that I kind of thought Chris Harris was still playing, and was the defensive back for the Broncos Chris Harris? I know, I'm an idiot. But our Chris Harris left when John Fox left, right? So when a Chris Harris ended up on the Broncos...I'm retarded.
  14. I read that Cam...not sure how to spell this....un...un..uunderthrew a pass? Can someone please confirm?
  15. Wonder if they'll sell the old ones on the website again. Bought a bunch for my groomsmen back in 2012.
  16. So....you're saying that Pizza Inn would be your top choice?
  17. Completely different issue, but the thread list seems to be looping on the app as well. When you scroll down to load more, it just recycles the first ten. Anyone else seeing that?
  18. Mine is blue, on the app at least.
  19. What was Reaves practice squad eligibility situation? I can never keep those rules straight.
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