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The Lobo

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Everything posted by The Lobo

  1. I don’t get it, Harbaugh is better than all three of these guys and could arguably be the best coach we’ve ever had and we just say “meh”
  2. I can agree with that but what about front office ppl, ppl who know a heck of a lot more than either of us, they thought he wasn’t good so they canned him. So he will just all the sudden be good for us?
  3. Reich was garbage in Indy and couldn’t get it done there. I’ve said it before, I live near Indy so I’m surrounded by colts fans, it would be a huge mistake to hire Reich, huge.
  4. If we don’t at least interview Harbaugh, we know Tepper was crap before, we certainly will know he’s crap after that. Freaking joke.
  5. It is asinine that we are lukewarm. I shouldn’t be shocked though.
  6. We don’t know what all was being discussed. We don’t even know 100% if anything is accurate at this point.
  7. I think they should at least interview him, it would be insane not to. I like Wilks but he he is Rivera 2.0 and that won’t work. This is why I didn’t get my hopes up, Tepper is going to botch this so bad. I keep seeing quotes and articles about the players backing Wilks, which is great, but they all backed Rhule too. I will say this, I don’t trust Tepper to make a better hire than Wilks, so if he truly doesn’t want Harbaugh, then he could do way worse than Wilks.
  8. More on Harbaugh: Not shocked at his last sentence in the tweet, this is why I never got my hopes up, Tepper will just botch it.
  9. I love off-season rumors and insider info. Still trying not to get my hopes up but it’s exciting to be mentioned in all this.
  10. We are much better off than LA in terms of roster and draft picks. Charlotte is a nice city, not LA but still a nice city and I don’t know if that would sway Harbaugh enough. Not saying he will come here, but I think if he goes anyway it’s Indy or Carolina
  11. It’s shame bc I really like Wilks but I agree, can’t give Tom the ball back.
  12. It sucks, but my mindset is the same. I don’t trust Tepper to make the right decisions so he will most likely screw up the HC decision. I hope he proves me wrong but I doubt it. Pretty much everything he has decided has been a disaster, I’ve never seen anything like it.
  13. Exact same way I feel. I’m trying not to get my hopes up bc I know if I do il be bummed out.
  14. Now Ben Albright is saying he doesn’t buy the statement. Ya never know…
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