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The Lobo

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Everything posted by The Lobo

  1. Agreed, I also don’t see the bears moving to nine. I would imagine they wasn’t Anderson or Carter and both could be gone by then.
  2. Could this mean more Barno and Haynes time at edge?
  3. It’s early, but I was very skeptical of the hire. As the days go by and more info is coming out, I’m starting to think Tepper picked the right guy.
  4. Good lord Frank and Tepper going off
  5. I don’t think we’d have to move up for AR, he’d be there at 9 imo
  6. Watson only played in, what, 7 games last year after missing nearly two years. He improved a little every game. If he sucks the first couple of games next season, then we can all call him a flop.
  7. He is proving me wrong, can’t wait to see what else he does.
  8. Called it again, thanks for the info! Hearing anything else?
  9. This is a new one, I mean why would he leave OSU?
  10. A lot of needs on defense as well. If they give up multiple picks for him it will hurt them greatly in the long run. But I’ve said before, I think he stays in Baltimore, but if he gets traded, it’s us or Atlanta.
  11. Jackson with London and Pitts would suck for us, plus Cpat and Allgier in the backfield, their offense would be nasty. it’s going to take more than their first this year though and they need a lot of help else where.
  12. Yup, indy could make a better offer and then the bears could just keep asking for more so both Indy and us increase the offer. If we do trade, I see it with Arizona rather than the bears.
  13. Looking more like Brown could with the panthers now? Who would you prefer: him or Cooter?
  14. I posted in the wrong thread, I meant in general panther news, but il take care news too. Appreciate your info.
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